Part 6: blame it on me

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"I can't sense him, something's wrong

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"I can't sense him, something's wrong." Wanda's voice drifted down the corridor as Eleana approached the flight deck with Bucky.

"Eleana, its not a good idea."

Bucky was right but Eleana dismissed him. She wanted to plead with Wanda, tell her how she felt his pain and heard his screams just as she had. Eleana never wanted him to leave, she was sorry, she just had to make her see that.

Yet when Eleana stepped onto the flight deck and saw Wanda what was left of her resolve fell away. The way her eyes flashed scarlet and bore into Eleana's, her face set into and angry glare, she knew nothing would help her case. Wanda hated her. Whether it was Eleana's fault or not, she was her outlet for blame, a channel for all her worry and anger.

"What is she doing here?!" Wanda hissed, red mist circling her hands.

"Wanda," Steve rose from his seat and put his hand on Wanda's shoulder, she flinched away from him, "she can help us."

"She is good for nothing..."

"Don't force me to leave you on the jet." Steve warned her.

Though her powers stopped flowing through her hands, her eyes blaze with anger and she approaches Eleana, Bucky quickly moving his body in front of hers shielding her. Wanda ignored him and kept her eyes on Eleana, she was terrifying.

"Stay out of my way Eleana, and know if Pietro doesn't survive this," she scoffed at Bucky, "no one will protect you from me."

Wanda stormed past them both with a snarl on her lips. Even though Eleana knew it was worry and pain driving her to be this way, it still hurt. Couldn't Wanda tell how much her heart was breaking at the thought of Pietro being hurt? Knowing that he was probably being tortured and experimented on again. How could she not feel the constant dread and worry that ran through Eleana's mind every second, the guilt at the thought that it was all her fault?

"We land in three," Clint broke the awkward silence that had settled over the group after Wanda left, "get ready kids."

Eleana was studying the plans for the base and didn't look up. Steve sat beside her and his hand reached around her waist, giving it a quick squeeze.

"Don't take it to heart kid, once we rescue Pietro this will all blow over."

Steve meant well, but Eleana wasn't sure who he was trying to convince, he knew if Pietro was alive they had to have done something to him. They didn't even know how long Pietro had been there, trapped and alone.

"I don't know cap, revenge is kind of their thing once they set their minds to it."

"Not helping, Tony."


The base was strangely quiet, no guards patrolled outside, there were no vehicles and her scans showed no signs of life. Warily they made their way inside finding it equally deserted. Card games, bottles of beer and training rooms were left abandoned as though the occupants had just disappeared into thin air.

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