Part 10: into the black

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Watching Bucky walk away felt like the only untouched piece of her heart was ripped out of her chest, leaving with him

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Watching Bucky walk away felt like the only untouched piece of her heart was ripped out of her chest, leaving with him. Eleana had never felt so alone, she had all but lost the man she loved and now Bucky. Eleana still remembered the moment she knew he would be her best friend, him and Steve, when she thought it would be forever.

Steve had been cooking a meal for all the Avengers to introduce Eleana and Bucky permanently into the team. She was beyond nervous, assigned to chopping vegetables while Bucky peeled potatoes. Both of them worked in nervous silence, smiling at Steve pottering around the kitchen. Elena had gotten used to it just being the three of them and she wasn't sure she could handle all these new people.

There was a loud crash as metal hit tile and Steve stood with his hands on hips staring down at the huge pan of Stew splattered all over the floor and all over his trousers. He was silent a moment, then came out with the foulest words Eleana ever heard pass his lips.

Eleana and Bucky both shouted "Language!" at the same time, holding their hands up when Steve spun around his eyes blazing and they glanced at each other dying not to laugh.

"It just slipped out!" Eleana snickered and Bucky spluttered into laughter, genuine laughter that lit up his whole face and took her down with him into a fit of giggles.

"Yeah, laugh it up jerks." Steve grumbled before he caved, joining in and throwing towels at them both to help clean up.

It was such a simple moment, yet Eleana knew she was supposed to be here with them, she felt so at ease, she was home and she didn't have to pretend anymore.

Now as Eleana watches Steve run down the corridor toward her, all she sees is sadness and guilt, she will never get that carefree friendship back.

"Where's Buck? What happened?" Steve grabs her wrist stopping her from running away and Eleana spins around to face him.

"He kissed me."

"He did what?!"

"He told me he loved me, and I just froze I didn't know what to say...I don't know where it came from?"

Steve groaned, running his hand through his hair, "Damnit Buck."

"Wait, you knew?! Why didn't you tell me?!" How long had they been keeping this from her? Eleana pushed on his chest but he held her firmly, letting her take her anger out on him.

"He asked me not to, Eleana. You were with Pietro, what good would it do?" Eleana couldn't really argue with him, at least she had these months with Bucky, if he told her back then would it have gone the same way? "he'll come around Eleana just give him some time. I'll talk to him when I get back, it'll be ok."

"You're leaving?" Eleana stares up at him distancing herself from him again.

"We got a lead on the guy that did this, they killed the scientist that created the drug but kept his files."

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