Thomas: The Rave

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You and Thomas were together most of the time in the Scorch. You two fought off cranks and survived the harsh weather. When you two were on your way back to reuniting with your friends from the Glade, you got pulled into a rave party.

"Drink this," someone said and shoved a glass bottle with an amber colored liquid inside into your mouth. They tipped the bottle so it came flowing into your mouth. You pulled away and looked over to Thomas, someone was doing the same thing to him.

You suddenly felt extremely dizzy and you were about to fall, but then Thomas caught you,"don't worry, I got you," he said.

We then got shoved into this dark room with music blasting and a lot of drunk people dancing. The drink was kicking in now, you felt energized and tired at the same time.

"We can stay here for a little," Thomas said. All you did was nod. He grabbed your hand and pulled you onto the dance floor.

You two were dancing together for what felt like hours. It was insane how energized you felt, you'd never felt this kind of rush before in your life.

"Thomas, I feel..."you didn't know how you felt, "I feel...great!"

"Y/N, I don't want to go back," Thomas said and crashed his lips into yours. You two were both getting into it, kissing to the beat of the rave music.

You pulled away and said,"as good as this feels right now, we have to leave and find our friends..." And you looked down at the floor.

Thomas lifted up your chin with his fingers and said, "I know, but I love spending this time with you, Y/N."

"I love spending time with you, too." You kissed his lips again. Everything felt so right, but here you were kissing the person you love, and you hadn't felt love in a long time, while your friends were in danger in the Scorch. You pulled away and said,"I love this, I love you, Thomas. But we have to go," and a frown appeared on both of your faces.

"Yeah, you're right, let's go," he said in an understanding way.

You two walked out of the rave together, and you were happy and in love.

Dylan O'Brien Imagines Where stories live. Discover now