Giving Thanks

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Thanksgiving wasn't celebrated too much in Beacon Hills due to all of the supernatural distractions, but every year, you and Stiles always made an effort to celebrate no matter what was going on.

"Happy Thanksgiving," you said as you placed the plate of turkey on the table. You saw Stiles locking his lips as you sat down next to him.

"It looks delicious as always, Y/N," he said and slid a piece of meat on his plate.

"Thank you, Stiles," you said as you grabbed the bowl of stuffing.

You and Stiles had been dating for 5 years, and this was a tradition for 4 years.

All of a sudden, a loud knock was heard from the door, and you hesitated to open it. You looked over at Stiles and he nodded, so you stood up and opened the door.

There in front of you was a frantic Scott McCall who was nervously looking around.

"Can we help you, Scott?" You asked as you felt Stiles put his hand on your shoulder.

"There's another Alpha in Beacon Hills!" Scott basically shouted.

"Oh man..." Stiles said under his breath. "Well, we are kind of in the middle of having our traditional dinner, do you think it can wait until tomorrow?"

"I mean...I guess so..." Scott said as his voice trailed off.

"Thanks Scott," you said while giving him a hug. "Would you like to join us?"

"I would love to, but I can't, thanks though. See ya tomorrow," Scott said and quickly walked away.

"I feel bad," you said as you closed the door.

"Yeah, me too," Stiles said as he scratched the back of his neck. "I guess we can be thankful that he doesn't get hurt tonight."

"Very true," you said a placed a kiss on his cheek. "Shall we continue our dinner?"

"We shall," Stiles replied teasingly.

And so, you did.


The timer went off and you slid an oven mitt on your hand and opened the oven door. Smoke filled your vision and you swatted it away. The smoke alarm started to go off so you quickly ran into the hallway and turned it off and opened up the windows on the main floor of your house.

You walked back to the kitchen and disappointingly looked at the burnt turkey in the oven.

"Darn..." You mumbled and rubbed your hand on your forehead.

"I'm home!" Stuart yelled as he walked into the house and took his beanie off his head.

You walked into the entrance of the house and said "I did it again! Somehow I managed to burn the bird again! I follow all of the directions to the point and I somehow seem to make the same mistake every year..."

You and Staurt had been married for 3 years and our of those years, you always burned the turkey every Thanksgiving.

"Hey, it's okay, we have an alternative," Stuart said and rubbed his hands up and down your arms.

Dylan O'Brien Imagines Where stories live. Discover now