Thomas: Cranks

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You and Thomas went through a lot together; WICKED, the Maze and now the Scorch.

The freezing cold nights, the boiling hot days and worst of all, cranks.

You and Thomas got separated from the rest of the Gladers and you were in an underground sewer system.

Then you heard this disgusting moaning sound. Thomas put his arm out in front of you to stop you and he put a finger up to his lips signaling you to stay quiet.

You nodded. You and Thomas then started to slowly continue walking until you reached a dead end. You two stopped and a rat scurried on the floor and then an arm reaches out, grabbed the rat and bit into it.

You gasped and Thomas quickly grabbed your wrist and started to run away. You then tripped on a vine ans Thomas pulled you up. You looked behind you as you ran and you saw two cranks chasing after you.

Seeing them gave you the urge to run faster. You two were still being chased once you reached the top of a leaning building. Then a crank bumped into you, causing you to go I to one of the rooms of the building, and you slid against the window. Since the building was leaning, if the glass broke, you would fall to your death.

You slowly put your hand on the glass, but it started to crack. Your breathing got heavier and you became more scared.

"Y/N!" You heard Tomas yell. He slowly made his way towards you. Then, two cranks came stumbling into the room and slammed against the glass causing it to crack more.

They came closer to you and you started throwing punches trying to get them off you, then you heard Thomas say, "Do you trust me?"

"I do, I do trust you, Thomas," you said as tears started to roll down your face.

He grabbed a chair and smashed the window and quickly grabbed onto your arm.

The cranks fell and made an unearthly screaming sound. Thomas pulled you up and he pulled you into an embrace.

You let all the tears come out and he ran his hands through your hair and said, "It's okay, you're safe now." He then placed a kiss on your forehead.

"I thought that was going to be the end for me..." You said as your voice trailed off and tears were still falling from the aftershock.

"Thank you, Thomas. I-I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N. I love you too..." He said and pulled you closer to him.

Dylan O'Brien Imagines Where stories live. Discover now