Thomas: The Griever

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"Ready shuckface?" I asked Thomas as I put on my harness

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"Ready shuckface?" I asked Thomas as I put on my harness.

"Only if you are, Crank," Thomas replied teasingly.

I laughed but quickly covered my mouth because all of the other Gladers were still sleeping.

Thomas and I were about to head out into the Maze and map it out.

We slowly jogged out of the Glade and into the Maze.

We were side by side and Thomas nudged me with his elbow causing me to stumble a little. I shoved him back and he tripped but as he fell, he grabbed my hand and took me down with him. I landed on top of him and we were both laughing.

Then a loud growl interrupted our laughing. Thomas put his finger up against my lips and I nodded in response. We quietly got up and I whispered, "It's morning, why are there Grievers-" I then suddenly felt metal on my skin and soon enough, a Griever got a hold of me and I screamed.

"Y/N!" Thomas yelled and I reached for his hand, but the metal monster was pulling me away.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain; the Griever had injected me with its poison.

It then dropped me on the floor and I quickly curled into a ball in response to the pain.

The Griever let out one more growl and quickly crawled away.

Within seconds, Thomas was by my side looking at where the Griever infected me.

"Y/N, can you hear me? You're going to be okay, I'm going to bring you back to the Glade," he said and scooped me up so he was holding me bridal style.

I groaned in response and Thomas was running through the maze with me in his arms.

When we reached the Glade, Thomas immediately brought me to the Medjacks and he laid me down on the bed.

He moved the hair away from my face and said, "You're going to be okay, I'm right here, I'm right here..."

Then I started to doze off and started to experience The Changing.


When I opened my eyes, Thomas was sitting in a chair next to me and he was holding my hand.

We made eye contact and I sat up and quickly embraced him.

"How long was I out for?" I asked, my voice muffled from his shirt.

"Three days..." He said pulling me closer to him.

I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his neck and asked, "Were you here the whole time?"

He nodded and I smashed my lips on his.

"Well well well... What do we have here?" Minho asked as he walked into the infirmary.

We quickly pulled away from the kiss and I blushed a little.

"I'm just gonna go..." Minho said and walked back into the Glade.

"You're a great kisser..." I said a bit shyly.

"I really enjoyed that," Thomas said slowly leaning in and I met halfway and continued the kiss.

Dylan O'Brien Imagines Where stories live. Discover now