Stiles: Clubbing

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Listen to the song as you read

Listen to the song as you read ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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"You ready?" Stiles asked as he gently squeezed your hand. You two were standing in front of a popular club that was known for its amazing black light effects.

You took a deep breath and replied, "Yup!" And you then you two walked into the club hand in hand.

There were a bunch of people dancing and having a great time and the music was blasting. Your bright pink lip stick turned neon in the black light and you kissed Stiles on the cheek and it left a mark.

He smiled and said, "Let's go to the dance floor!" While pumping his fist in the air.

You laughed and he took your hand and ran to the dance floor and you followed him.

You nervously looked around at you didn't know what to do, this was your first time at a club.

Stiles then put his hands on your arms and shouted over the loud music, "Don't focus on anyone else, just me, okay? Just me."

You nodded and then started to dance to the music. As the night went on, you got more and more into it and you and Stiles were having a great time.

About halfway through the night, you two decided to get some punch to drink, but little did you know that it contained alcohol.

After about four glasses, you were drunk. After the first glass, Stiles knew it had alcohol, but he thought you knew too, but you didn't.

"Ready to hit the dance floor Stiles?!" You yelled over the music. And put your hands on his chest.

"You're so drunk, Y/N," Stiles responded taking a step closer towards you.

"And?" You asked confidently.

"And..." Stiles hesitated, but then took another glass of punch and drank it quickly. "Let's get this party started!" He yelled.

"Wait," you said.

"What-" Stiles started to say, but you cut him off by smashing your lips onto his. He was moving his hands up and down your back and you were tugging the roots of his hair.

After a few seconds, you pulled away and said, "That's better!" You said and took Stiles' hand and skipped onto the dance floor.

When it was 2:00 am, Stiles got a call from his dad, so we went outside so he could hear him.

"Yo Daddy-o, wassup?" Stiles said and it was completely obvious that he was drunk.

"What's up?! Where are you, Stiles?!" Sheriff Stilinski yelled back.

"I'm with, Y/N," Stiles replies with a stupid grin on his face and pecked your lips quickly.

"Okay...Let me ask again where are you?" You heard the annoyance in his voice and started to laugh. "Are you two drunk?" He asked sternly.

"Yup!" Stiles replied and laughed.

"And we're proud!" You yelled after almost stumbling onto Stiles.

"I'm going to get you two, stay put," Sheriff Stilinski said and quickly hung up.

"I think we're in trouble... But that's okay!" Stiles said trying to hold in his laughter. You put your arms in the air and yelled, "Wohoo!" But lost your balance and fell into Stiles' arms.

"I think your worse than me," he said as he helped you stand back up.

Then two bright car lights came into view and Sheriff Stilinski got out of the car and said, "Get in the car, now!"

You and Stiles quickly got in the car and drove away from the club.

"You two should get some rest. Oh, and Y/N, there is no way I'm letting your parents see you like this, so I'll let you stay over with Stiles."

You were so tired and felt a headache coming on. "Mkay..." You replied and fell asleep.


When you woke up, you were being held, bridal style by Stiles and he was carrying you upstairs into his room.

"You were passed out in the car. You looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake you, so I decided to carry you."

"How long was the drive?" You asked rubbing your forehead.

"About an hour, there was a lot of traffic," Stiles said and gently put you down on his bed.

You got under the covers and Stiles got into his bed next to you.

You moved closer to him and laid your head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Sweet dreams," Stiles said and kissed the top of your head.

"Love you," you replied.

"I love you more."

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