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It's been 3 days since I talked to Liam.

I was still upset with him about are little fight that happened 3 days ago.

I just don't understand why he wants to follow what everyone else is doing.

I don't.

"Lexi?" My head popped up from my desk, looking towards the door.

"Dinners ready." My older brother Peter said while sticking his head around the corner of my door.

"Okay I'm coming."

"Where's dad?" My other older brother Nick asked as I sat down at the dinner table.

"He should be home soon."

I leaned over the table, grabbing a spoonful of mash potatoes and putting it on my plate.

"Liam called earlier again."

I lifted my head to see Peter looking at me from across the table.

"Yeah and he stopped by the house again earlier too when you weren't home." Nick said causing my mom to look over at me.

"Liam and you still aren't talking?" She asked.

"No mom were fine." I lied.

I didn't tell her the real reason why, I just told her were not talking right now.

"Well if you too are fine then tell him to stop calling here every hour, trying to talk to you." Peter said before bitting into a piece of bread.

"I will." I said glancing over at him, with a dirty look.


Everyone jumped up from the table when my dad came into the house yelling.

"WE DID IT! HONEY WE DID IT!" He ran into the dinning room like a crazy man, picking up my mother and hugging her.

"What did we do?!" Peter asked.

"We slaughtered their king!"

A look of shockness came to everyone faces.

"My troops were in their territory today and they surrounded the vampire king  and killed him!" My dad shouted.

"OMG." Nick shouted while jumping up and down.

"I say we celebrate! Let's have everyone over now!" My dad yelled while giving my brother Peter a big hug then Nick then me.

"Now? Okay let's start calling everyone, I'll start preparing food." My mother said before disappearing off into the kitchen.

Wow. This is crazy. I thought to myself. I mean we're going to have a big celebration at like 9 at night but they killed there king! That means the vampires are at their lowest point with no king.


I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my dad call my name.

"Yes dad." I asked while standing next him.

"I'm brining some of my new soldiers into the woods tomorrow to practice shooting. How about you come with us and oh bring Liam too." He said with a smile on his face.

"Really? That sounds awesome." A smile also went across my face.

Finally I get to go with them. I always wanted too. Even tho my dad doesn't know that Liam and I aren't on good terms right now. That doesn't matter. I  want Liam to come with us tomorrow.


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