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They pulled me into a huge room.

My eyes glanced around, stopping when I saw my brothers.

"Nick, pe-" I started to yelled but stopped when they lifted their heads to look at me.

"Oh my god." My mouth dropped open.

There faces were all red and swollen.

"Set her down and bring the other one in." The guard said to the one making me sit down.

Nick and Peter were across the room sitting in chairs.

"What happened?" I asked.

"They-" Nick started to speak but got interrupted as the door flew open by two guards.

"Oh." I couldn't even finish what I was saying when I saw the sight of Liam all bloody being dragged in.

He looked beaten, bloody, swollen as they dragged him in, setting him down in a chair.

I looked over at him.

Sadness was all I felt but then the emotion of anger started to fill me.

"Did you guys do this to them?!" I screamed while standing up, tears running down my face.

The guards smirked while looking at me.

They think this is funny? I thought as more anger went through me.

"It was bosses orders." The one said smirking.

"Well I would like to talk to your boss then." I stated, rudely.

"I'm right here sweetheart."

I turned my head to a tall man walking in, through the big doors.

He walked straight over to me, stopping in front of me.

"No." I mumbled.

"Oh yes." He smirked while looking down at me.

His dark green eyes stared right into mine.

"You!" I yelled, disgusted.

"You were in my back yard, in the woods stalking me!" I yelled stepping closer to him.

"That is correct. You should of open that door to let me in, instead of hiding in your room." His lips turned into a smirk.

I looked at him disgusted then my eyes traveled over to Liam, remembering what happened to him.

"Why did you do that to them?!" I asked bluntly.

"They helped you escape."

"Which by the way how did you do that in hand cuffs?" He asked looking down at my hands.

"They didn't help me."

His eye brows raised as I said that.

"So you escaped on your own?"

"Yes! I planned all of it, they didn't help." I said aggravated.

"Tell me again why she's has handcuffs on?" He asked one of the guards.

"She threw a knife at one of the guards. Well tryed."

"She did?" He asked surprised while looking over at me.

"Yeah and next time I'll succeed." I shouted.

I watched as he started laughing.

Why is he laughing?

"What do you even want asshole?" I asked stepping closer to him but then taking a step back as he hunched over me.

"Remember last time you called me that?" He asked leaning closer to me, his dark green eyes feeling like their staring into my soul.

"Well this time you can't run."


Tell me what you think of the story so far? I will be uploading more chapters!

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