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"Their not actually dead."

"What the fuck you mean their not actually dead!?" I shouted.

He's crazy I swear.

I stared at him, waiting for an answer but he just ignored me.

"You think this is some kind of game, don't you?!"

He grabbed a couple bags and started to walk up to the porch.

I don't understand him at all, he's tells me their dead then their not dead and he won't even explain any of it.

That's fucked up.

I immediately followed him.

"I don't think its a game playing with peoples feelings, especially when it has to deal with their family!"

He set down the bags in front of the door then went back down to the car.

"You know my father warned me about the Styles brother's. The stories he told me about you guys, I always thought they can't actually be that horrible?, why would they do that to people?" I yelled walking down the porch steps.

"Shut up! Just shut up would you?" He demanded, snapping his head in my direction.

"Now I get to see it for myself. You guys are rotten, horrible people!"

"Especially you Harry!" I pointed my finger at him as I walked towards him, noticing that his eyes started to get darker and darker while staring at me

"I hope you burn in hell! Your not fit to be a king and take over your fathers pla-"

"Don't you ever bring up my father!" He growled as he pushed me up against the car, his hand tightly grabbing my chin and raising it up to look at him, and his other hand, having a tight hold of my arms that he raised above my head.

His eyes were black, like deep in the woods at night black, as he breathed deeply.

"How dare you even talk-"

"How dare I? More like how dare you!? You took me from my family! You killed my brothers!" I spit in his face.

He tightened the grip of my chin causing me to wince from the pain.

"Their not actually fucking dead!" He yelled, his face was so close to mine I could feel the warmth from his breathe as he yelled.

"What do you mean!?" I yelled back.

"Their vampires now!"

My face and mind went blank.

"Why didn't you just tell me that?" I asked, I noticed his eyes were slowly starting to go back to normal color.

"You kept escaping, so I had to figure out a way to stop you."

His hand let go of my chin.

"Your sick!" I shouted in his face.

He went to speak but I stopped him.

"You really are. You like to play games with people, you only care about your self! You didn't have to go that far and tell me that their dead! My brothers mean the world to me! You just-"

I was cut off when warm, moist, soft lips met mine, catching me off guard.

His body moved closer to mine, his hand cupping around my cheek as he moved his lips against mine, but I didn't kiss him back. I kept my lips still.

Did he really think he's going to kiss me?

One of my arms loosened from his hold and I pressed it against his chest, pushing him away.

But he didn't get the hint until he realized I kept my lips sealed shut, not even giving him a reaction or a reaction he thought he was gonna get.

He let go of my other arm and pulled his lips away from mine.

I used all my strength to push his body away from mine.

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" I looked over at him like he was crazy, well he is.

Our eyes met for a second then I looked away.

"Why would I ever want to kiss a person like you." I stated before walking up to the house.


Tell me what you think of this chapter!!!

Sorry it took me a couple days to update, i wasn't on my phone much last Easter weekend.

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