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I immediately jerked my head up

"Lexi?!" I looked over, hearing my brother pound on the door.


I must of fell alseep because I was still in the same spot underneath the window, from last night.

"Lexi open up your door?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

I let out a big yawn before walking over to the door and opening it.


"Lexi gosh I been pounding at your door for ever, why was your door locked anyway." Nick asked.

I looked at him, still half alseep.

"Nevermind mom wanted me to let you know that dad is at a meeting, mom leaving now to go to the supermarket and Peter and I are going soldiers headquarters."

"Oh and Liam said he is on his way soon, he called earlier."

I rubbed my eyes, processing everything Nick just told me.

"Okay when will you all be home?"

"Probably later, mom might be home before us."

"Okay I'll be here." I said following Nick down stairs by the front door.

"Okay we'll lock the door on are way out."

"Okay!" I shouted as I made my way over to the restroom.


A knock at the door made me jump while I was finishing up getting ready for the day.

*Knock knock*

"I'm coming!" I yelled as I quickly sprayed perfume on my self, then quickly headed downstairs.

"Hey Liam-"

I stopped talking when I realized know one was here.

"Liam this isn't funny if this is some kind of joke."

The feeling a nervousness filled up my stomach as I stood there when no one answered me.


I shut the door, locking it then  glanced over at the time.


While I might as well make my self something to eat as I wait for Liam.


*Knock knock knock*

I jumped up from the couch when I heard someone knocking.

"Who is it?"

"It's your favorite, only best friend in the world!" Liam shouted from outside.

"It's about time you got here." I said unlocking the door and letting him in.

Liam was in his usual flannel and jeans.

"I know, I was supposed to be here earlier but they blocked like half of the streets off and stuff due to sightings." Liam said walking into the kitchen.

"What do you mean sightings?" I asked.

"Your never gonna believe it, some people say they seen vampires." He said as he started laughing.

"Can you believe that? Vampires, they can't get past are wall there is no way they spotted vampires."

Liam stood leaning against the counter, laughing uncontrollably.

What if they seen the same guy I been seeing? I thought to my self.

"You got to admit that's fun- wait Lex why aren't you laughing?"

My eyes focused back on Liam as he looked at worried.

"Oh just I wasn't surprised people that have said that haha." I said with a fake laugh at the end.

Well there goes me telling Liam about what I seen.

"Well how about we go to the market, we've haven't been there in a while?"

"Yeah that sounds fun."

Market yeah.

I needed something to get my mind off of thinking about you know who.

Mine (Harry Styles Fanfic 2017)Where stories live. Discover now