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"Nick, Peter!" I yelled while running over to them.

"Shuuu. We got to makr this quick." Jacob whispered as he unlocked the cell door.

I instantly ran in.

"Are you both Okay?" I asked.

They both looked tired, worn down.

"I'm okay." Nick mumbled softly.

His icy blue eyes, just like my mom's, looked up at me.

"Where's Liam?" My head turned around to look at Jacob.

"He's in a separate room. We got to go, i don't want anyone catching us." He turned his back, looking at the hallway then back at me.

"Okay." I sighed.

"I'll see you guys again." I said wrapping both of my arms around the both of them.

"I love you, be safe." I mumbled, as a couple tears fell on my cheek.

"Wait why are you taking me back to my room?" I asked while Jacob lead me through the hallway.

"Because I don't want us to get caught."


"You'll see Liam later, I promise." He stopped at my door.

"Okay I'll be waiting." I gave him a soft smile before walking in to the room.


I really hated that there were no windows in here.

Also I dont even know what time it is.

I darted to the door when I heard the handle move.

"Jacob?" I whispered.

"See I told you I would come back." He smiled as he walked in the door.

"I'm gonna take you too see Liam but your gonna have to find your way back, I'm sorry." His light green eyes looked at mine.

"That's fine, I just want to see Liam."

"Omg Liam." I yelled as I ran in the room.

"Are you okay?" My face was directly i  front of his.

"I'm okay as long as your okay."

I couldn't help but let a couple tears fall down my cheeks as I smiled at him.

I leaned forward wrapping my arms around him.

I missed him.

"Hey your hand cuffs are off?" Liam said pulling away from the hug and looking down at my hands.

"Yeah Jacob took them off."

I watched as Liam looked over at Jacob, which was standing in front of the door, he gave him a soft smile.

"Well I got to go. Remember don't stay here to long and be careful walking back."

"Okay." I noded to Jacob as he started to head out.

"I missed you so much. God lex I missed you." Liam said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I missed you too." I mumbled against his shirt.

"That guy, he didn't hurt you right?"

I lifted my head up from the hug.

"No no he didn't."

"What did you mean you seen him in the back yard. Remember you yelled that to him."

My mind went blank as Liam asked me that.


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