Chapter 1

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A/N- The character I made your best friend isn't from the show, it's just a random, fun person I thought of since I would be very limited on choices if I could only use characters from the show. 

Your p.o.v

" Hey y/n, Get up!" my best friend, Aiko, spoke as she shook me awake.

" I feel like i'm forgetting something..." I said groggily while rubbing my temples.

" How could you forget?! I got us tickets to see Yuri!" she said with a wide smile.

I sprung up and instantly regretted it when I jumped out of bed and tripped over my shoes I left out last night so we could leave as soon as possible.

I quickly rebounded, stood up, and walked over to my closet, choosing my outfit for the day.


We spent three hours on the road before arriving to the large Figure Skating Arena.

" Aiko! Look at this place!-" 

" It's Amazing!" she said, her mouth twisting into a smile that resembled one of a cat. She clapped her hands together and squealed as I took a picture of her in front of the arena.

I shoved the phone in her face as she ran away with the phone in her hand.


I ran towards her, arms outstretched in an attempt to grab my phone.

She suddenly halted as she clicked a button and walked towards me.

" I just wanted to post a picture of me online, but you're quite selfish sometimes so I figured you wouldn't let me." she said with a dismissal.

I looked on my account and saw a new picture with the caption:


" You were the one to tell me not to get my hopes up, because even if he's here he most likely wont see us, and if he does he might not even remember me..." I said with a sigh.

" Look, I just don't want to see you get hurt, and we're not here for him. What we're here to do is to have a crap-ton of fun!" She said punching the air.

I smiled and ran up to her, tackling her with a hug. I held on to her wrist as I whisked her  towards the stadium.

" You, take my phone and capture an amazing picture of me in front of this building!" I said pointing to her dramatically as my serious face faltered into an onslaught of laughter.

I made a peace sign with my hand and shut my eyes, putting on a smile as I heard her whistle, signaling she was done with the photo.

She handed me my phone and grabbed my hand, quickly taking me to the stadium.

" Hey! Slow down a bit, you're the fastest person I know and I cant keep up." I said catching my breath.

" That's the perks of having stamina and participating in track!" she said, pointing a finger in a matter-of-a-fact way.

" Just get you ass moving or we're gonna be late!" she said as we scrambled to our seats.

I sat down as she put our tickets in her purse and the lights dimmed.

The commentators started talking, and though all of the skaters were beautiful and graceful, I was here for Yuri. I knew that it would break me one day, but I would always be there for him.

Then, the lights dimmed into blue and quickly turned into a strong red. It told of the difference of emotions, and how quick hatred and anger were, and I knew who it was....

Yuri Plisetsky.

At first, the story started off strong with passion, hatred, desire.

It was of a man who wanted something, and he wanted it for so long and yet now he came close, and that gave him empowerment.

He was powerful and angry of waiting and waiting.

His patience was gone and now that he had the power, he wanted what he couldn't have.

He reached for it, yet it slipped away and he became angrier.

He eventually became so angry that his rage disappeared, and he was now calm.

He finally reached full wisdom, tranquility and knowledge due to the trial he just faced.

Then when he reached full potential, the lights faded black and he moved on to another life.

I stared at him with my mouth parted and when he took his final pose of his miraculous performance I stood up and screamed and the top of my lungs.

"YOU GO YURI!" I screamed as all attention averted to me and his eyes locked with mine in a state of shock as a tear slipped down his face.

He hurriedly skated off of the ice as I sat down, my friend dying of laughter next to me.

" I-I've heard Yuri's Angels are crazy but you give them a new definition!" she said in her fit of laughter as I joined in.

" People are starting to leave, let's go have fun!" I said anxious to get out of my seat and go explore.


I saw Yuri exit the building, followed by guards and his coach, as I decided there's no time like the present.

" What's up Yuri? Long time no see!" I said as he looked back and his eyes widened. 

He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me softly as I stood in shock of his reaction. Though I hope he'd notice me, I didn't expect it.

" I'm sorry..." he said and I knew he meant that we lost touch and he probably blamed it on himself. He was always hard on himself, and never forgave himself.

" Don't worry Yuri, it's fine." I said cheerfully.

He let go and held my shoulders, 

" I'm making this up to you one way or another." I knew he wouldn't stop until I gave in.

" Alright then, what are you gonna do?" I asked quizingly as I saw a face of thought take over.

" First, I need your phone number! I got a new phone, so that's why I haven't texted you recently." he said, his eyes averting from mine.

" Alright, but make it quick because people are starting to leave and for your sake I think you should leave as soon as you can." I said as we swapped phones and exchanged numbers.

" Promise to text me, ok? I don't want to lose you again, if i'm going to be honest it was hard." I said as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight and comforting embrace.

" I won't, I bet my life on it." he said as he let go and we parted ways.


Hey Guys! I think i'm going to be updating on Saturdays or Sundays from now on and most likely be updating one story a week. I hope you guys enjoy and please give me suggestions and feedback! Bye :3

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