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"Get ready for your punishment honey"


Letting out a panicked gasp, I turned around and saw Jungkook looking at me smirking. He was looking into my eyes as if staring right into my soul, suddenly I felt seering pain shooting all over my body. I clutched my head in pain as tears streamed down my eyes, I had never experienced such pain before, it was as if a million knives were slicing through my skin over and over again "s-stop p-please" I whispered weakly and as if Jungkook had heard my plea, the pain stopped.... only to come back and intensify more. I let out a bloodcurling scream, I felt as if I was going to die.

Finally after what felt as if an hour, the pain finally stopped. I lied on the ground, my body sore and my throught feeling dry beacause of all the screaming, my head hurt. No. My intire body hurt, all I wanted to do was sleep and sleep forever. I heard footsteps behind me and I didn't have to turn around to tell that it was Jungkook, I was too tired to anyway. He then bent down near me and picked me up bridal style " well if you hadn't run away this wouldn't have happened. And besided, I didn't enjoy this either" He then walked towards the door and started to walk up the stairs. One the way I felt my eyelids drooping, I tried to keep my eyes open but I was to tired so very tired...


Oh crap oh crap OH CRAP!!!!! Jungkook's fucking pissed at y/n and because of the stupid vampire law (which the last stupid kings had made about 2000 years ago) The law states that if a vampire's human mate tries to escape their mate they have to be severly punished if their mate wants to. And judging by the look on Jungkook's face when we found her sleeping on a branch of the old tree in the middle of the forest, she is definitly going to get punished. Just then I saw Jungkook dragging my sister down towards the basement 'why's he taking her their? Thats where we keep our victims so thst we can drink their blood. Oh god what do I do? What do I do?! I can't tell them that she's my sister. It'll put her into more danger than she already is in an-- My thoughts were interrupted when I heard an ear-splitting scream Y/n...

Jungkook's POV

I looked at Y/n's limp body in my arms and felt a pang in my chest. I broke my promise. I hurt her. When I found my mate I was so happy I could literally jump off a building to celebrate (which I did) I promised myself never to hurt her on purpose never to make her feel alone or sad or afraid. I promised myself to always keep her happy but here I am, I've broken this promises so many times. When I reached
Y/n's room I as thinking of lying her on the bed but then decided against it, walking into my room I gently placed her on my bed and sat down next to her. Now that I look at her closely, she resembles Yoongi hyung a lot could she be... no Yoongi hyung would have told us if she was his sister.

Suddenly my nose caught a very familiar scent its her. I ran outside near the forest. No one was there, I turned towards the house and saw the window of my room open. Oh no! I ran to my room as fast as I could and saw her. She turned around and smirked "well well Kookie, did you miss me?"

           To Be Continued.... 

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