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The first thing that I felt when I woke up was a terrible headache, groaning I was about to bring my hand up to my head but found myself unable to do so. My eyes flew open and I looked around, I was tied to a chair, the room in which I was had no windows which made me think I was in a basement. I closed my eyes trying to remember what had happened. Suddenly all the previous events rushed through my head and I gasped and began to struggle againts the roped that were holding me down, it did nothing but it did scratch my wrists to the point that I could feel blood oozing out from my wrists. I wanted to scream for help but stopped when I heard footsteps outside the door. Sh*t.


It was midnight and Y/n was asleep. Hoseok hyung carried the girl we kidnapped and threw her infront of Taehyung hyung, who had not fed for a long time. The girl began to cry and begged us to let her go but before she could do anything hyung bit her. The scent of blood caused all of our eyes to turn red, after a while Taehyung hyung let the girl go and looked up, his eyes widened. We all turned and saw Y/n watching with wide eyes, she tried to run away but Jimin hyun teleported infront of her and Yoongi hyung used his power and causes her to faint. Yes we all are vampires and have individaul powers. Jin hyung has the power to stop time, Yoongi hyung has the power to hypnotize, Hoseok hyung has the power to control emotions, Namjoon hyung can find out anyone's back story just by looking at them, Jimin hyung can teleport, Taehyung hyung can sweet talk literally anyone and can shapeshift and I can cause anyone mental pain just by looking at them in the eyes. Other than that we all can read minds have super strength, speed and senses and have telepathy. Oh and did I mention that we are purebloos that rule the vampire realm? No, then you know now. Anyway back to the story. I walked towards the now unconcous Y/n, 'how did I not smell her scent?' I thought as I picked her up " Jungkook-ah we can't keep her in the mortal realm any longer people have started searching for her, we have to take her to the vampire realm" Yoongi hyung said, looking at the unconcious girl in my arms. "You're right hyung lets go"


The hyungs and I were back at home (the palace in the vampire realm) watching sone t.v when I suddenly smelled blood Y/n's blood and I quuckly made my way downstairs to the basement where she was tied up.

Y/n's POV

The suddenly flew open and Jungkook came in, I started struggling once again. "It's no use you know, you're only gonna hurt yourself" I heard him say, "well it's better than staying here locked up" I seethed not even looking at him "now now, lets not be like that hmm?" His voice was a lot closer and I couldn't help but look up. But when I did look up I gasped, his face was only a few inches away from mine, slowly his hand reached up ans caressed my cheek, he then pulled away and went behind me, I then felt the roped come off completly.

Not wanting to even waist a second, I made a run for it up the stairs, after climbing up the stairs I reached a corridor full of portraites of the boys. "Y/N, GET BACK HERE!!!!" I heard Jungkook exclaim and ran even faster. Suddenly, I bumped into someone, gasping I looked up and saw... Jungkook. He quickly pinned me against the was and brought his mouth close to my ear and whispered "run all you want but I will always find you, you can't escape from me ever"
He then grabbed my chin and made me look at him in the eyes, his were red. Then slowly he burried his head in the crook of my neck, my heart beat quickened and I heard him chuckle, then suddenly I felt something sharp pierce my neck and felt seering pain throught out my body. "S-stop P-please" I whimpered but he only bit harder, the pain was unbearable and I let out a scream.

After what felt like a decade he pulled back, I would've fallen back if it wasn't for the tight grip on my shoulders. "You're mine" he whispered darkly in my ear and then everything went black.

             -To Be Contineud.....

So how was it? Hope you guys liked it... man I should go to sleep. Anyway good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night.

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