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"When were you planning on telling me that you're my brother?.....

Yoongi's eyes widened for a split second but turned back to normal so fast that I could have been imagining it "I don't know what you're talking about. I have no siblings" his face was expressionless. "Don't lie to me I hissed" I hissed angrily "I know who you are you can't lie to me anymore" I was getting frustrated, tears began to pool in my eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about" and with that he left bumping shoulder with me on the way out. I sighed and let the tears fall down, I was sure that Yoongi was my brother it all made sence, I mean he had the same smile, had the same name for god's sakes but I guess not....

Timeskip (1 week later)

"Y/n" someone was shaking me 'yah Y/n up!" The person had gotten on the bed now "one more hour" I whined. I heard the person sigh and then felt a wieght on me, I felt someone's breath next to me ear "jagiyah wake up" I recodgnised the voice to be Jungkook's. I then felt him lightly kiss my neck "I'M UP! I'M UP!" I yelled pushing him away. He got out of bed amd chuckled "get ready, where going to be leaving soon" "oh ok- wait where are we going?" I looked at him confused "school silly. You statt today remember" he smiled "oh right" I said quietly, I was about to say something else but when I looked up he was gone. Shaking my head I got ready and wore the uniform that I found in the closet. Jungkook and I had gotten really close over the week, I had also gotten closer to the other boys as well but I could tell that Yoongi was trying his best to avoid me after least week's episode.

Timeskip (at school)

I stood infront of the school with only one thought going through my brain huge. I was ripped out of my day dream when Jungkook said "come on Y/n, we're going to be late. I've already got your time table, you're in the same class as me". He then grabbed my hand and ran towards a classroom with a blue door. When ae entered we were greeted by an old looking man 'wait vampires don't age does that mean he's
not-' 'he's not a vampire, he's a wolf' I heard someone say in my head. I looked up and saw Taehyung sitting in the second row smiling at me. "Well it looks like we have a new student please introduce yourself" The old man looked at me smiling 'hmm. He reminds me od my grandfather' "Hello, my name is Y/f/n. Its really nice to meet you all"  I said rather nervously "vsrh well. My name is Mr. Woods. Please take a seat next Jungkook" I bowee respectfully and headed towards the back of the classroom where Jungkook was sitting. On my way there I met eyes with a black haired girl who was constantly glaring at me, not paying much attention to her I took my seat next to Jungkook.


I stood up with the rest of the class. "Y/n come eat with us." Jimin said grinning as we headed to the cafeteria. I was about to join the canteen line when out of a sudden my arm was yanked back "you can't eat anything from there, it alk contains blood. Jin hyung prepared a lunch box you should eat that" Jungkook whispered in my ear leading me towards a table near the window. Jin handed me a lunch box and said "eat up" Opening the lunchbox I gasped "it looks delicious. Thank you Jin" I grinned and took a bite. It was really really delicious.

Timeskip (brought to you by Jimin's lost jam bottles)

It was the second last period now,I excused myself to the washroom. Making my way there I was suddenly pushed into the lockers. Groaning, I looked up and saw the same black-haired girl that had been glaring at me "stay away from my oppas you b*tch he's mine" She kicked me in th stomache. "You should know that Jungkook belongs to me not a peasant like you a-" she stopped when her eyes landed on my necklace and she smirked "well well. What do we have here?" She grabbed the necklace and yanked it off my neck. "A human."

She pulled me up by my hair making me cry out, sne exposed my neck amd leaned down towards it.

  "Yah! Hwang Minji get away from mg sister"

Yo be continued...

Hey guys hope you guys liked the new chapter. Sorry I haven't been updating a lot lately but my mom said that she would take my phone away if I don't spend more time studying since my exams are coming up. Anyway thank you for so many views and don't forget to check out my other stories. Saranghae ♥♥♥♥

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