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Y/n's POV:

"ugh" I groaned, my head felt as if someone had hit me with a sledge hammer. After many attempts I succeeded in opening my eyes, the light stung my eyes, I noticed I was in the same room in which I had woken up on my first day here. Then I heard the door open amd in came a grinning Jungkook holding a tray of what smelled like chicken soup. "Good morning" he smiled but I just looked at him. He looked at me and sighed " you need to eat" he said as he placed the tray on the table next to my bed and left.

Should I eat this or should I not I thought I mean you never know if its poisoned or not..... but I'm hungry... I gues a little bite won't hurt, I then grabbed the spoon in the tray and took a bite "Omo! Its soo delicious" and then slowly I finished the whole bowl.

Suddenly the door opened. I sighed and turned around knowing that it was going to be Jungkook "You know a little greeting would be nice" saig a voice a lot different from Jungkook's, I turned around anf saw Yoongi at the doorway ''Oh, you at the soup, good you need it to get energy" He said smiling as he came and sat down on the edge of "my" bed. "Why are you here-- wait no, why am I here" It came out harsher than I intended. He just chuckled and said "Well this is my house so I have the right to be here and didn't we tell you that you're Jungkook's mate?" "But I don't want to be his mate. I want to go home" I said as I felt tears pool in my eyes "Yah! Don't cry kid" he said "its not swaggish (is that even a word? Well it is now) and you have to have swag cuz you're my-" he stopped himself "I'm your what?" I asked curiosly. He shook his head "nevermind, listen kid, you see this" he said as he grabbed my left wrist to reveal the rose "tattoo" imprinted on it, "this means that you're Kookie's mate and you need to stay with him. Now I'm not gonna go in details I think Jungkook should tell you about that... but I will answer only three questions for you and your time starts... now."

Three questions only three, but I've got loads of them! I thought
"Oh and don't ask about that mate shit, only Jungkook will answer those questions" "err... why did you have a bunch of dead bodies in your basement?" "Really? I thought you would ask better questions, we need to feed too you know, we can eat human food but it doesn't satisfy our hunger, so we kill people, bad people, and then feed on them. Second question." "Have you found your mate?" "Tsk, you're wasting goid questions. No, no I haven't" "h-" " this is the last question, better make it good" he interrupted me closing his eyes and leaning his head back "alright, er... if you're here then won't people notice your absence, I mean you're a huge kpop group with a lot of fans then won't they notice that you guys dissappeared?" "Well you see we send holograms of ourselves, no one notices it and only manger hyung knows."

Then he got up and said "well that's all kid, I'm gonna go" and with that he dissappeared. I couldn't help but feel comfortable with Yoongi, he reminded me of someone.

Flashback (When you were six):

"Oppa higher!" I yelled as my brother pushed my swing. "Alright then hold on" He replied with a laugh and pushed me even higher. I looked up at the sky, at the clouds, they looked so close I felt as if I could reach them. Without realising I let go of the bars of the swing and reached up. "Yah Y/n stop you'll fal-" but it was too late. I fell of the swing and onto the hard ground, almost immediatly my oppa came running towards me "yah pabo, gwenchana?" I looked down both my knees were scraped amd blood was rushing out of them. I looked up at my brother, the person I adored most in my life "aish, you know better than to let go of the swing. Tsk, look you've gotten hurt let's go home" he then bent down and and lifted me up to his shoulders giving me a piggy-back ride. We were walking towards the exit of the park(well oppa was I was just sitting on his shoulders) when suddenly we heard a scream. Oppa turned around and we saw a woman running away from a group of men holding guns, the woman had a child with her who looked a bit older than my oppa. My brother then ran over to a tree and put me down behind it "stay here Y/n, oppa will be right back" he then went towards the woman who was trying to defend herseld. That day I waited for hours and hours for my oppa to come back but he never came. My parents found me that night but I never saw my oppa ever again. I was six back then and my oppa was 11. Now I'm 18 now and my oppa should be 23, that is if he's still alive.

Flashback end:

Yoongi reminded me of the person I adored most.

He reaminded me of my brother...


Hey guys, how was the chapter? Anyways thank you guys for soo many views. I will try my best to make this story more interesting. Saranghae♥♥♥♥♥

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