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Through out dinner I felt someone'd eyes burning in my skull, I tried to endure it but I was starting to get uncomfortable. I looked up... only to make eye contact with Jungkook. Noticing that he was caught , he smriked... SMIRKED!!!!!! 'What the hell? I thought people are supposed to look away once they're caught staring, I mean that's what happens in kdramas doesn't it?' I thought.
Suddenly I heard a muffled chuckle, I looked up and saw that almost everyone was trying to hold in their laughter. I shot them a confused look "Don't worry its nothing Y/n" said Namjoon once everyone calmed down. "I don't know about you guys but I'm going to bed, I'm dead tired" said Yoongi heading towards the door. ''What are you talking about hyung, you've been sleeping all day?!!" Jimin said as his eyes widened "shut it mochi" replied Yoongi scowling. Slowly everyone left the kitchen and headed for their rooms. Soon it was only me, Jimin and Jungkook. "Well guys I'm going to bed you guys should too, it's getting late" said Jimin and just as he reached the door, he turned around, "Oh and Y/n don't worry about how you got here we'll figure it out" and left with a wink.
Now it was only me and Jungkook "well' what are you waiting for?" He said rudely and left. Sighing I followed him to the room, when I reached there I realized something "erm Jungkook, I don't have any clothes to sleep in" It was true, the clothes I was wearing weren't exactly comfortable. He looked at me up and down and then sigh ed, he went towards,what I assumed was the closet, and took out a white t-shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants. He then tossed them to me and gestured towards the door "go change". Walking past him I mumbled a quiet thanks and went to change. The clothes looked huge on me and I had to roll the bottom of the pants to fit me. I got out of the bathroom and went straight for the other bed (Jungkook was alraedy asleep) and  fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I woke up as I heard birdd chirping, I opened my eyes and smiled. 'Man I had the weirdest dream ever' I thought as I tried to get up... only to feel a weight push me down. Stiffening I slowly turned around only to come face to face with.....
                 - TO BE CONTINUED

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