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"Well well Kookie. Miss me?"

Jungkook's POV

"Minji" I glared " what are you doing here?" The vampire in front of me smirked "awee babe don't be like that, I only wanted to see who took away my spot as the girl you love... honestly I never thought you would steep that low. I mean a human? Why in the world would yo-" "BECAUSE SHE'S MY MATE!!" I felt my eyes go red "But I'm so much better just kill her and we'll be back together just like old tim-" she couldn't complete her sentence as I pushed her towards the window "YOU LOST THAT CHANCE WHEN YOU CHEATED ONME WITH THAT WEREWOLF DON'T COME NEAR Y/N OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!" I would have killed her right then but she did something unexpected. She grabbed Y/n and threw her against the mirror causing her to wake up and let out a pained scream "Y/N!!!!" I ran towards her "I'll see you soon Kookie and mark my words you will me mine" and with that Minji jumped out the window.

I was shaking with anger, I would have lost control if it wasn't for Y/n's soft whimper. I swiftly turned towards her "Y/n" I whispered looking at my mate's fragile state. She had fallen on the ground in an uncomfortable position and tgere were glass shards all around her. One of the shards had gotten stuck into her arm and her arms and legs were filled with tiny cuts and in some places bruises. I ran towards her and picked her up, ignoring the scent of blood that caused my fangs to extend. Running as fast as I could I layed her down on one of the couches in the living room, not even sparing a glance at Yoongi and Taehyung hyung who's eyes widened, all I could think about at the moment was helping Y/n. I quickly got a first-aid kit and began to clean her wounds.

"Hey guys, have you seen m- OMO WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??!!" Jimin hyung yelled as he saw Y/n on the couch covered in cuts and a few bruises. "Yeah Jungkook what happened" Yoongi hyung asked sounding more worried than I thought I wonder why I thought as I started to get up "Minji's back" was all I said and heard Yoongi hyung growl. He got up and dragged me to the other room, then he grabbed my collar and pushed me against the wall
"You little shit, if I see my little sister hurt because of you again I will kill you. I don't care whether you're my donsaeng or not I will rip you piece by piece if you or anyone else because of you hurts Y/n. Got it?" He said through gritted teeth. Shocked due to my hyung's rage, I slowly nodded, he let me go and took a deep breath. "So Y/n's your sister, Why didn't you tell me? Does she know? If yes, then why didn't she tell me? Do the hyungs kn-" "NO, no one knows and I would like to keep it that way so keep your mouth shut. K?" he interrupted my endless questions " you know you're gonna have to tell her some day right" he then sighed "I know I just- I just need some time, I'll tell when the time's right"

We both left the room and headed to the living room where all the member were sitting with grave faces. "What are we going to do about Minji Jungkook? You know she won't rest until she gets rid of Y/n" asked Jimin hyung. "We've got another problem too, the vampires are getting curious about your matge Jungkook, they're wondering why she isn't going to school with us amd why you haven't announced her yet and are also wondering what kind of
creatur-" I cut Namjoon hyung's sentence " wait, how did people find out?" " Minji" was all he said.

Y/n's POV


I was in a room, a familiar room. Suddenly I heard someone say my name "Yah Y/n! Lets get some ice cream" I looked behind me amd saw my brother run into the room with that gumny smile on his face that I always adored.
Soon the scene changed, I was sitting in the living room of my house. "Ok guys, I'm leaving for work call me if anything goes wrong" my mother appeared "Oh and Yoongi take good care of your sister arasso?"


   Hey guys how's the chapter? Thank you guys for so many views, I really really appreciate it. Don't forget to vote. Sarangae♥♥♥♥♥

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