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Time skip (1 year)

A year has passed since I was taken my the boys. Me and Jungkook have officially started dating. The boys, Dana and I have also grown really close. I haven't encountered Minji again which is a relief to be honest.

"Y/n hurry up! We're hungry!" I heard Jimin yell. "Alright alright! I'm coming!" I yelled back walking down the stairs. When I reached to the dining room "finally" I heard Taehyung say "you took forever" he put emphasis on the last word. I rolled my eyes "oh come on! I didn't take that long" I said "you did" Namjoon said "yup!" Hoseok agreed.  "Come on Jagiyah, let's eat" Jungkook said patting the seat beside him.

Grinning, I took a seat "let's eat!" Jin said and we all started eating.
Time skip

It was night time now. I was alone as the boys had gone hunting. Suddenly I heard something in the kitchen. "Guys why are you back so early? Did Taehyung scare away your prey again?" I asked as I entered only to find nothing?!

Suddenly I felt something being put on my face and then I blacked out.
I woke up with a pounding headache. I forced my eyes to open and noticed that I was in a room with only one light bulb and that I was tied to a chair. All of a sudden the door opened "well well well.  Look who's awake" Minji said as she entered.  "Minji" I glared at her "let me go now!" She chuckled and began to walk towards me "how about... No!" She backed away laughing "I'm going to make you regret for stealing my Kookie. I'll make you want to die" she laughed evilly.

My breathing became uneven. Was this how I was going to die? Did Jungkook know that I'm gone? Will I ever see him again?

"Hmmm... Where should I start" I was so lost In Thought that I didn't see Minji take out a pocket knife.  Slowly she walked towards me a made a deep cut on my arm. I tried to hold back my screams but the pain was too extreme.

Suddenly the door banged open and Minji was pushed away from me.  Jungkook came into my line of sight "sshh.  Jagiyah I'm here let's get you out" he said untying me. I heard a blood curling scream from behind me . I tried to look but Jungkook stopped me. Finally when we we're out of the room he kissed me "jagiyah I'm so glad that you're OK,  I'll never let you get hurt again" he said almost in tears. I didn't notice that I was crying until I felt something drip down my face. Letting out all the tears I hugged Jungkook not wanting to let go.

Time skip:

A month has passed since the incident . Jungkook has been taking good care of me.  "Y/n can You come here for a moment !" Jungkook yelled.  I went downstairs to see Jungkook standing there with a big smile on his face.  "What's  wrong? " I asked. He suddenly got down on one knee and took out a black small box

   "Y/n l/n will you marry me?"

The End.

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