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Because I currently have an obsession with Rin Okumura but don't have enough written to publish the other Rin stories I've written. I hope you enjoy!


It felt like every other day for you. You skipped school again, locking yourself in your bedroom to stare up at the ceiling as thoughts you don't quite remember flooded your mind. There was a flash just outside your window, like a lightning bolt, and you carefully crawled across your bed to see for yourself what it was.

That was the day blue fire swallowed the sky, and took the lives of hundreds with it when it left.

A little more than a few years afterwards, you found yourself at the table, biting into a piece of toast with raspberry jelly spread across it. You don't know why you bothered to eat, but sometimes your stomach demands you get up off your butt and walk to the kitchen to shovel toast into your mouth while your parents are out working. Yeah, the human body is weird, and yeah, you hate it.

You haven't been to school in years. It was nothing short of boring for you, but it wasn't like you were dumb. In actuality, you were quite the opposite; a genius in most fields you tested in, so you didn't see the point.

Besides, you severely lacked the motivation you'd require to set an alarm and wake at what you'd consider ungodly hours of the morning.

Six a.m.? Hasn't existed to you since elementary school. Your mornings typically began around noon, and nights ended at two a.m. That's just the way things were for you.

You liked doing things on your own, whenever you wanted to do them. Kept things simple in your opinion, but others found themselves easily aggravated by your unique style.

You didn't care.

Most people didn't matter - let alone exist - in your little world.

You can clearly remember your mother scolding you once about not having friends, saying, "you need to expand your world!" but what did you need other people for? Emotional support? Advice? Fun? There was no way you were going to attempt to find such trivial things in people you deemed idiotic - which was basically the entire human population.

But anyway, you bit into what would be your second piece of toast that morning when your appetite diminished, much to your surprise, of course. Had you finally gained the control over your body you so desired?

No. Unfortunately, your being controls itself, and in no way are you ever going to be able to stop yourself from feeling hungry - or feeling at all (no matter how hard you try).

You set the practically burned bread down on the bright white glass plate in front of you with a heavy sigh. Your hunger had vanished and was replaced with something you dreaded more than toast and some uninteresting condiments you forced yourself to eat more than you'd care to admit.

You leaned back in the wooden chair you decided to claim a few years ago when you engraved your name on the back with a butcher knife. The cross-stitched emblem of your family's crest was starting to wear away and fade with age.

The crest showed a lion for bravery and a hawk for freedom. You didn't particularly care for it, but it didn't bother you as much as most people did.

You would only admit it to be just the slightest bit interesting, though you'd never tell anyone if they asked.

You glanced down at the marble-colored tile floor beneath your chair and visually traced the cracks in the square stone until you tired of even that.

Days you felt like this were the worst for you. You wanted to do even fewer things than you usually did.

Even talking seemed to be too much work for you. Forming words, thinking, making vocal sounds? Not a single noise when you felt like this.

The Part That Hates {Rin Okumura x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now