Chapter One

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Chapter One Maddie's POV-

I could very faintly hear sirens behind my thoughts. I silently prayed for the person the sirens were for, but as I regained my hearing more and more, the shrilling sound followed me and I realized they were meant for me.

Where was I?

I felt movement from beneath me and then reached the sounds of telephones ringing, people talking, and beeps everywhere. I concluded that I was in a hospital, but I just didn't know why. I tried sitting up but my sore body wouldn't allow it. When I tried to move it only sent a shooting pain through my body, causing a twitch.

I knew for sure someone was with me... A few people actually. Someone's voice- that I didn't recognize- asked if someone named Maddie was going to be okay. It was probably a stranger we were passing because my name isn't Maddie. I am.... I am....

And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember my name.


~Three Weeks Later~

I opened my eyes to find myself in an empty room painted blue. A monitor was next to me keeping steady beats. I was in a hospital room. I removed several cords from my body and the noise stopped. Once I sat up, I decided to walked around the room. Then I noticed the room wasn't empty. There was a girl staring back at me. She look about 13 but her body was bruised and scraped. Her arm was in a brace along with her legs and her left ankle. She had straight and long chestnut hair and blue eyes that I know any girl would easily envy. I decided to say hello to the girl and my voice came out cracked as if I hadn't spoken in weeks. What I noticed, however, was the when I spoke, the girls lips moved in sync with mine. I lifted my right arm and she countered me. That's when I realized that the person in the room with me, was my reflection.

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