Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7


"I'm a dancer?" She whispered softly.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I said nonchalantly assuming everything was alright between us.
"Why didn't you tell me!?" She darted up in frustration.
"Woah I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt. You had this dance teacher... All she did was scream. You never looked like you were having fun and you were always telling me how you hated it there. I was trying to protect you."
"And you thought I'd just never find out about this?"
"No I just wanted you to take a break for a while. I was going to tell you."
"That's not your decision to make, Josh."
"I know I'm sorry."
"You're not sorry. You're just sorry I'm mad."
"Why are you even mad. You should be happy I saved you from Abby."
"Who's Abby?"
"Your dance teacher. Abby Lee Miller."
"Whatever that's not important. What is important is that you've been lying to me. God I thought I could trust you."
"You can."
"Well you haven't been proving it."
"Fine you want me to tell you something? You're famous. You were on a TV show called Dance Moms. Season 6 starts filming soon but they had to postpone it because of your injury."
She was stunned but shook it off. "Now you're just making stuff up you're such an idiot."
"I'm telling the truth. Wanna know something else? There's a guy at your dance studio named Nick. You've had a crush on him for a long time and he told me he likes you too. That's why I don't want you to go back. I got jealous."
Our conversation had turned into a screaming match and she was obviously winning.
What. Did she just say she loved me? She only said that once before and it had me floating on my feet for a while until I snapped back into reality. Oh right, we were fighting.
Maddie stormed out and bumped into Brooke on her way out of the house. Brooke was bewildered because she 1. Had just gotten home 2. Didn't know Maddie was out of the hospital and 3. Was caught in the middle of our fight.
"Maddie?" She asked confused.
"Hi Brooke" Maddie said coldly and hit into her before slamming the door tightly. She would come back eventually: she lived here.

~2 months later~

But she never came back. I've been a mess ever since she slammed the door that day. I texted Maddie like I did everyday. "Hey. Can we talk this over?"
I text her, call her and leave messages every single day but never get a reply. She avoids me at school even when I try and corner her. Since she and Mackenzie moved into Chloe's house, it's even harder talking to her. Plus, she was hanging out with that Nick guy a little too much for my liking. About 2 weeks ago I went up to her at lunch and demanded that she talked to me, which wasn't the best idea because when I started walking over she turned away and I grabbed her wrist as if she was a prisoner. She harshly spat "What do you want." though it wasn't a question.
"Another chance to explain things Mads."
"OH MY GOODNESS JUST GIVE IT A REST JOSH." She screamed, causing a scene in the lunch room.
"Mads wait!"
"Don't call me that." And she turned away. I had made matters worse by muttering "whatever you say princess" in a sarcastic tone.
She hated me.

I was surprised when her name popped up on my LockScreen.
Maddie: Whts there 2 talk about.
Josh: Just meet me @ the big oak tree in front of school tomorrow during free period.
Maddie: k. got to go.
Josh: I miss you Maddie.
Maddie: bye.

A/N- please vote, and comment your thoughts :p
Team Mosh or Team Naddie?

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