Chapter Two

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Chapter 2 Maddie's POV:

My first instinct was to go outside of the room and get a doctor, but then I figured a nurse would come in sometime soon, so I decided to stay by myself for a little while longer.

I stared into the mirror at the girl I just met. I don't recall ever seeing myself like this or like anything.
It was strange to think that I knew absolutely nothing about myself besides my blue eyes and pale skin, but the nurse that I haven't even seen yet probably knows everything about me.

And I was right. A nurse walked in and saw me seated on the bed. She looked surprised but I could tell she has seen stranger.
"Oh Madison, you're awake?"
So my name was Madison... Okay. I could live with the name Madison.
"I guess I am." I replied with a wide smile. I don't know why but I seriously could not stop smiling ear to ear. She mumbled "Madison Ziegler" as she wrote my full name on a piece of paper attached to a clip board. She broke the news to me that I had been in a coma for three straight weeks but she assumed I remembered how I got here. She asked me a few questions about how I felt and I answered honestly. Except the part that I didn't remember anything. I left that out. . .
I decided to keep that to myself. I could just play along with everything that happens, right? How hard could it be.

When Nurse Headers (that's what her name tag says) was done, she told me I had a visitor that's been practically living here for three weeks, waiting for me to wake up. That brought a larger smile to my face (if that was possible) as I wondered who the mystery person was. It was probably my mother or father. I secretly couldn't wait to meet them for the first time.

About 15 minutes later a teenage boy walked in. He only looked a few years older than me. I looked about 13 and he looked about 15.
This must've been my visitor.

His eyes instantly sparkled when he noticed I woke up. I guess I could say he was cute. My eyes were drawn to his piercing blue set of eyes. His eyes even more eccentric than my own eye shade of blue.
Then my eyes traveled over his face. He looked like he's been crying and, on top of that, like he hasn't slept in weeks. Then I recognized him. Josh Hyland.

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