Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13- Maddie's POV-

Maddie: we need 2 talk.
Josh: is everything okay mads?
Maddie: depends. Come over.
Josh: on my way.

There was a knock on the front door of Chloe's house 12 minutes... And I counted... 12 minutes after I texted him. I opened the door immediately after since I had seen him coming down the driveway beforehand. I swung the door open and jumped into his arms. "Is everything okay Maddie?" He asked softly, puzzled by my gesture.
"Perfect." I whispered into his ear.
"You worried me so much!" He said, letting out a sigh a relief.
I just hugged him for another minute. When we finally let go, I gave him a peck on the cheek, before saying my next words.
"I remember."


The week went by as usual. I met up with Josh, Paige, and Chloe everyday, so they could continue to help me. Josh seemed okay that I told Chloe. Paige found out on her own. I loved my friends. . . So much.
I just loved Josh in a different way. . . So much more than he thought.

Tomorrow was the competition and I wanted to get a good night sleep. After my shower, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and changed into a big t-shirt and shorts and climbed into bed. I turned on my phone for a few minutes before sleeping, and was surprised by a text from Josh, that left me smiling like an idiot.

Josh: Goodnight gorgeous. Can't wait to watch you tomorrow, you'll do amazing. I love you. Ps- don't forget the dance ;)

A goodnight text? It seemed do cliche. And I loved reading it!

I held the lock button on my phone and slid the red button to power it off.
I placed my phone on my nightstand and closed my eye-lids. I was out like a light before I knew it.

The next morning my sister woke me up at 5:00 AM and I groaned. Why must I get up this early I don't deserve to be punished! I shlumped myself out of bed after 20 minutes of watching Vampire Diaries reruns. I was watching season 4 and by this point I'm really hoping team stelena pulls through. I mean I'm all for Damon the bad boy but Stefan is so sweet! How could you not want him to win!! But stupid Elena had to choose Damon.
[a/n -sorry to people who don't watch, and didn't get the reference lol]
I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and started to get ready.

We got on the bus at 7 AM and arrived 4 hours later because the competition was in another state.
I sighed when the ride was over because I hadn't finished doing my makeup on the bus and I would have to pause then continue again once we got into a dressing room.
"Maddie!" I heard a woman's voice call after me. I turned around and became face to face with my best friends-and boyfriends-mother.
"Hi Kelly!" I greeted her.
"Just wanted to make sure, are you and Josh a thing?"
"Oh... Yeah." I said quietly, becoming embarrassed. What if she doesn't like me? I've lived with her for a while. What if she thinks it's weird that I'm dating him because he's older. But she's known me since I was 3.
She hugged me, a little too tightly.
"I've always knew you'd look good together!" She said happily. Okay...?
I smiled nervously. She walked away and Paige caught up to me. "What was that about?" She laughed.
"We were talking about Josh it was so awkward!" I said laughing back.
"Oh yeah I owe Brooke 10 bucks!" She sighed.
"Oh Brooke was betting that Josh would ask you out again but I didn't think he would."
"How come you never told me!" I said, hitting her shoulder playfully.
"We did! Oh wait before your uh yeah."
"Oh." I said defeated.
For a few days I had actually forgot about my memory loss. When Paige brought it up it was like I was finding out about it for the first time. It depressed me to be totally honest.

We had already performed my trio, and I just finished my solo on stage and I was out of breath. Who would've thought that 2 minutes of dancing would take so much energy? Not me, that's for sure!
I searched the audience for a few people. Abby: smiling with a double thumbs up. Kelly: looking back and forth between me and Josh happily. Josh: blowing me a kiss.
I winked at him before exiting the stage but thankfully nobody noticed but him. When I was finally off the stage, I was greeted by hugs from all my teammates with Paige and Chloe to front. Kendall and Nia and Mackenzie and Brooke were behind them. Next was the group number so I ran to the dressing room to get prepared and change costumes. When all the girls were ready, we traveled backstage together.

Please welcome Abby Lee dance company to the stage with Please Remember.
We talked onto the stage and our music started shorty afterwards.

Time, sometimes the time just slips away.
The lyrics were familiar.
And you're left with yesterday.
When I say familiar I don't just mean from practicing the group dance at the studio.
Left with the memories.
There was more meaning to the words I was dancing too.
I. I'll always think of you. And smile and be happy for the time I had you with me.
It was pretty clear now.
Though we go our deprecate ways.
I couldn't believe it.
I won't forget so don't forget the memories we made.
I could believe it, actually, but it was hard to.
Please remember.
I knew these lyrics.
Please remember.
I remembered these lyrics.

A/N! One more chapter after this! Might do a sequel comment what it should be about if I do one! Don't be a ghost reader!

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