Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Maddie's POV

Josh is acting like everything's okay and I'm starting to get sick of it. Of course I miss him but I guess I still need some time.
"Want to go grab some lunch while we talk?" He asked. I considered this for a few minutes and remembered I had to be somewhere at 4. "Sure but I have to be home by 3:30." That would give me enough time to get ready. He started leading me to a pizza place that was only about 5 minutes in walking distance from the school.

Once we got there I took a seat and josh sat across from me. We ordered a small pizza. Nobody spoke for the first couple minutes so I took out my phone, deciding to make use of my time. I had 18 missed calls from Kenzie and. . .I had 9 missed calls and a voicemail from my dad. A look of worry flashed across my face. Because Josh was also on his phone, he didn't notice. I knew something was wrong. "I have to go." I mumbled, fighting back tears. "Wait what?! I didn't even talk to you and it's only 2:15." I really didn't have time for Josh and his lame excuses. I had to get out of here. "This is far more important than your failed attempt to win me over Joshua. I. Have. To. Go." I whispered. My voice was harsh but I think it got the message across because the next thing I knew he was canceling our order. I practically ran outside only to be followed by Josh. I ignored him and sat on the very edge of the sidewalk. I was now crying and my mascara ran down my face, all the way to my jaw line. I couldn't really see through my watery eyes but I managed to unlock my iPhone and navigate to the phone option. I dialed Mackenzie's number and waited while it rang. After 3 rings my sisters voice appeared. It sounds like she had been crying too. "Maddie come home where are you I need you" she cried in a run-on sentence. "I'll be right there Kenz hang on." I hung up and stuffed the phone in my pocket. I started walking and of course Josh followed closely behind. I stop walking and Josh mimicked me. When I turned around I surprised both him and myself by pulling him into a hug. That's what I needed. Something was wrong and it must be bad. I haven't spoken to my father in 4 years from what Josh tells me and it wouldn't be like him to just call and leave a message that I have yet to listen to. And Mackenzie was crying so that was never a good sign.

He hugged back and let my tears dampen his t-shirt. Then.... Then he pulled out of the hug and kissed me softly. His warmth lingered on my lips for a few seconds and it got me thinking how much I truly missed Josh Hyland. "Thank you." I whispered to him.
"For what Mads?"
"I'm not sure. Just thank you."

We walked together hand in hand on our way to Chloe's house (which was home for me) and I told him about my dad calling. He tried convincing me to listen to the message but I just couldn't bring myself to.
We reached the front steps and I said I'd call him later with information.

I turned the key to the house and I saw Kenzie sitting on the couch in tears. I ran over to give her a huge hug and that's when I saw my dad. Well I assumed it was him.
"Madison?" He said in a low voice.
"It's Maddie." I said and went over to sit by Mackenzie. I wrapped my arms around her.
"Well Maddie I was just telling Kenzie something."
"Which might be?" I asked, not in my friendliest of voices.
"You guys are moving to California. With me."

A/N- suspense dun dun Dunn. Hahaha 4 comments and 10 votes for more?

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