Chapter Five

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Chapter 5 Maddie's POV-

Josh showed me up to the room I had been staying in, but he looked nervous.
"Why are you so pale Joshua?"
He hesitated but finally he spilled. "I know this is kind of a horrible time to ask, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to a movie with me later?"
I had to bite my lip to stop me from smiling like an idiot. Of course I wanted to go with Josh to the movies. Me and him dated about a year ago but it didn't work out as well as we planned, so we decided to stay friends. We've dated other people since that but I still had feelings for Josh. I guess he still did too.
"Hmm.. I'll have to think about that." I teased but he didn't exactly take it as a joke and I could tell because his smile dropped and his face immediately turned red. Awe Joshy was embarrassed.
"I'm sorry for asking. It was stupid."
This just made me laugh.
"Josh I was kidding. Of course I'll go to the movies with you." I said sincerely. He let out a sigh of relief but he still looked pretty nervous.
"I've been wanting to talk to you about that Mads."
"About what?"
"Oh. What about us?"
"I still like you Madison. I've tried to get over you but I can't. I love you Maddie."
His words sent shivers down my spine. I'm happy he got the guts to tell me because I feel the exact same way. Instead of telling him that, I moved closer to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek, but that wasn't enough because the next thing I knew our lips were locked together, and neither of us wanted to pull away. This kiss was long overdue.
About 2 minutes later we broke apart, our foreheads resting on each other's. "I love you too Josh."

Sorry this is so short I kinda had writer's block so I ended it so I wouldn't make something stupid happen haha. So you found out about Maddie and Josh. Leave a comment telling me what you think.
Don't worry it will get a lot better.

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