Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

~Josh's POV:~

I turned the door knob expecting to see Maddie's body laying on the bed, but when when I lifted my head she wasn't there. I scanned the room and saw her - awake. My eyes gleamed at the sight of her. I imagined this scene a thousand times, where Maddie would wake up and see me for the first time. In my head, I would say something cheesy or a witty comment but now all that I could manage to say was: "Maddie."
My voice came out raspy but it was quiet. I'm not sure if she heard me. All Maddie was doing was staring blankly at my face. She whispered "Josh." In the same tone I had. Then she flashed that huge gorgeous smile of hers and literally tackled me to the floor in a hug.
"JOSHUA!" She screamed.
I hated when people called me Joshua but I let Maddie say it sometimes because I loved hearing her say my name. "Woah take it easy Mads you're still injured." I scoffed and returned the smile. She started laughing which made me smile more.
"Hardly." She sighed, a bit defeated when she realized I was right.
"God I missed you." I started seriously. "I mean, some people thought you wouldn't make it. They thought you were dead Madison."
The news didn't seem shocking at all and she just nodded. By now, all the smiles and giggles were gone. I think she just needed to go home. I continued saying "let's just get you home." And that brought light into her eyes. "I can't wait to see my mom and dad!" She exclaimed as we started walking towards the lobby. That put me to a stop.
"Maddie, how much do you remember about your life..." I trailed off. Her smile dropped and I could tell she was keeping something from me, but now she was deciding wether or not to tell me.
"I'll explain later."

Maddie's POV-

Kelly, Josh's Mom signed me out 2 days after that. I wondered why it wasn't my parents. We got in the car where Josh was waiting for me. He asked me what the deal was. I spoke quietly so his mom in the front seat wouldn't hear us. I explained to him that when I woke up from the coma I couldn't remember who I was but I didn't tell the doctor. I remembered Josh when he walked in and I didn't know why but he was the only thing I could remember. The next thing I said was "Why were you surprised when I brought up my parents?"

Josh's POV-

I knew I had to tell her but I couldn't figure out how.
"Um. . . Your uh your parents got divorced a long time ago."
"And uhm your mom... She uh died last year. I'm so sorry Mads."
Then came the tears. First one then a thousand. I hated seeing her cry. I moved closer and pulled her into my arms. She hugged back and cried into my shoulder. Once we got home and payed the cab driver, we sat on the front steps. Of my house.
"Where do I live?" She asked sadly.
"With my family. You've been living with us for 8 months."
"Do I have a brother or sister at least?"
"Yes. You have a little sister named Mackenzie. She's 10 and she's the sweetest little girl ever. She reminds me of you when you were 10. You look a lot alike."
She smiled again.
"My mom's name is Kelly. I have two sisters. The blonde one is your age and her name is Paige." I swung out my phone and showed her a picture of Paige. "My other sister Brooke has brown hair and she's 15 like me." I showed her a picture of Brooke.
She asked to see one of Mackenzie and I showed her a picture of Maddie and Kenzie on her back at the beach.
She doesn't remember but she nods and tells me she's ready to go inside.
"I guess I'll be teaching you about your life then?"
"I guess so."


A/N- thank you so much for your comments and votes! Take a few seconds to comment and tell me what you think so far! It would mean a lot! xxx

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