11: "William Shakespeare was a famous Chef"

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Casper's P.O.V.

After the lunch bell we went back to class, today had genuinely been the worst day ever. Not to mention football tryouts were tonight. Great.

As we walked back to class I kept to myself, Red was saying something to me but I wasn't really listening. I saw Haskell walking by himself and felt a little bad.

Our friend group is so dysfunctional, but we never stay mad at each other for long... it's like we are one big family.

"Casp! Did you hear me??" I look at Nina, and smile, "Sorry... what did you say?"

Nina rolls her eyes, but before she can respond I examine her. She was around 5'1 and had this wavy hair, it wasn't like curly hair, it was just a little wavy. She had a sprinkle of dark brown freckles under her eyes and she had this dark brown skin. She was mesmerizing, everything about her. She was absolutely stunning.

"CASP?! WHY AM I WASTING MY BREATH!" Nina demanded pouting.

I bite my lip, "BABY IM SORRY!! What were you saying? Ask me one more time I'll pay attention!!"

She turns her head slightly away but keeps her eyes on me, looking like a little kid.

"Come on pleaaaaaassssseeee" I beg with a smile that I knew she would fall for.

She restrains a smile from forming and gives in, "fine. I was asking if you were excited for tryouts tonight"

"Yeah, but I'm a little nervous. Last year I barely made it to varsity, and if I don't make it think year I'm gonna be pissed."

Nina laughs, "well obviously. If my dad was a coach and didn't put me on varsity I would be pissed too!"

I grin, my dad was the varsity coach, he was a dick on the field but no one knew him like I knew him. My mom completely has him whipped.

"Are you ready for cheer tryouts?" I poke her in the cheek, while grinning.

She twitches her nose. My grin forms into a smile. It was a Nina thing. Ever since she was little she would always twitch her nose when she was anxious or angry. She looked like a bunny

"I'm scared for those two girls... They were kind of intimidating... But hopefully everything goes well!" She forces a smile at the end.

We get back into English and sit down.

"Okay class, now that everyone's back I decided to have some groups come up and inform us over their projects."

"Now we only have time for one presentation today, "Matilda, Taylor, and Red."

I breathe, relieved. We're no where close to being done.

I look over to Matlida, "you guys finished?"

She nods, "yup hopefully Red and Taylor practiced their speeches though.."

Taylor's head snaps up, "speeches?"

I grin as I watch Tilly's face fall, "Taylor what do you mean? You texted me last night saying your speech was ready?"

"Matilda. Is your group ready or will your group take an incomplete grade?"

"Uhhhhh yes we are ready Mr. Davis..." Tilly frowns as she brings the poster board up.

"Taylor was supposed to do the introduction... So taylor how about you start?" Tilly glares at Taylor.

Taylor laughs nervously, "uhh yeah the introduction..."

"Uhhh as you all know William Shakespeare was a famous Chef."

I choke after he said that, Taylor didn't even read the biography paragraph.

He continues, "To eat or not to eat? That should never be a question."

It's ''To be or not to be, that is the question,'' Dumbass.

I groan. Tilly's going to be pissed when they get a D on the project.

"You see, William made a lot of food. And that's why he was bald on the top of his head, because he wore that hat all the time!"

Jesus Christ.


I walked up to chemistry with Tilly and Red. Even though the hallway was noisy, Tilly and Red remained uncomfortably silent.

"So... Um.... Your guys' project?" I ask

Tilly groans, "what about it?"

"So... William Shakespeare was a chef? That's news to me. I admit I was very surprised." I grin.

Red clenches his jaw, "Trust me, it surprised us too."

Tilly rubs her temples, "please don't remind us , let's just forget that presentation even happened."

I laugh, "oh come on guys, we can't forget about it, that was the funniest presentation I've ever watched."

Tilly sighed, "I don't know what disturbs me more, the fact that this is going to be the first time I fail a project in an English class, or that Taylor actually thought he was a chef."

Red shook his head, "he was serious the whole time... It's like watching a toddler try explaining the branches of government."

I snicker, "okay but you guys have to admit that you at least chuckled when he said William Shakespeare was at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ."

"Nope, i actually prayed for him. He didn't even get Jesus' name right! He said 'Jason' Christ. HOW DO YOU GET THAT WRONG?!" Tilly complained.

"Nope, not a chuckle from me, not at all." Red frowned.

I gasped, "but what about the time where he said he was an ex member of Al Qaeda."

Tilly closes her eyes, "I was too busy wondering if Mr. Davis would consider upping our grade if I gave him a blowjob."

Red, "sadly, i was mentally present during the whole presentation."

I sighed, "okay but what about the part when he talked about how the movie brave heart was based on William Shakespeare?"

Tilly cracked a smile, "At least he was on the right track! William Wallace does kind of sound kind of like William Shakespeare?"

Red remains unamused, "Tilly, literally the only similarity is the first name. Not to mention half way through the the introduction he stopped using William Shakespeare, and started calling him Mel Gibson."

I shake my head, "how did he make it this far in life?"

Tilly runs her hand through her hair, "that's honestly a really good question... He's such a confused boy."

When we get into Chemistry class we see a lot of new students, but two of the faces are familiar.

"Adam. Maverick. You're in our seats."

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