10: "Stop acting like you're a paid actor on pornhub!"

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Haskell's p.o.v

Our English class has second lunch, so we go and have lunch during that hour instead of before.

I looked over at all my friends going to sit at our usual circular table. Including Red. I saw Valarie walking into the lunch room, so I started walking towards her.

"Hey princess!" I grin

She looks at me and smiles, "hey babe,"

I look down, then back at her, "hey... um is it alright if we sit at the square tables today?"

She rolls her eyes and scoffs, "why would we sit over there? We aren't losers"

I bit my lip, "oh come on, you know almost everyone sits there. And I just got in a fight with them in class so I just don't want it to be awkward."

Her posture suddenly changes and her eyebrows furrow, "so now that you pissed off your popular friends we're going to be outsiders? Thank you so much Haskell. Really it means a lot. I've always wanted to sit next to all the fucking freaks. I can't wait to be classified as one."

I glanced around to be sure no one was listening, "oh come on, they're my friends we can sit with them tomorrow. I'm just not chill with some of them at the moment."

She glared at me, "Well are we gonna fucking sit down or just stand here the whole lunch?!"

I nodded, "yeah let's sit."

I feel Romeo and Casper's eyes on us as we sit at the other table.

"Hey princess what ar-"

Valarie cut me off before I could ask about her after school plans, "Don't fucking call me that. Jesus you're so fucking annoying."

I nod my head and look around us again.

"I can't do this, I'm just going to go to class. Don't expect me to put up with this for a whole year." She stood up and slammed everything in her lunch box before she stomped out of the cafeteria. A couple people look up, watching the whole scene. I hate it. I love her so much, but she's always upset, i feel like its my fault.

It wasn't always like this. When we first started dating we were always so happy. Val was always smiling or laughing. But a couple weeks after we started dating, she stopped smiling- i haven't heard her real laugh in months. I'm just so in love with her, she's so smart and gorgeous. She has this long straight blonde hair, with these piercing blue eyes, and perfect lips.

I just miss the old Val, i cant help but worry if its something i'm doing wrong. What if i annoy her? what if she isn't in love with me anymore? Most people who'd see us act in private would probably deny she even loves me at all, but i swear she does.

I ran my hand through my hair, it truly had been such a nice, nice day.

I check my phone to see multiple notifications from texts.


Homie what's going on??

Don't wanna talk about it.

I see a new notification on my screen

Val ❤️

Hey BBY sorry about lunch...Maybe I can makeup for it over dinner? ;)

Np I had a rough day as well..
And sure! Where at? I'm thinking Mexican? ;)

Haskell wtf u know I don't like mexican. what about just the bar and grill? Then maybe we can head to my place? My parents are on vaca so you can stay the night ;)

Shoot. Forgot sorry. Umm sure I'll have to sneak out tho. And yeah bar and grill sounds nice! Talk later, love you!

Talk to you later.

I sighed. And the school year was just starting, hopefully the year gets better.

"Uhhhh excuse me" I hear a nasally voice say.

I look up to see Freddie from Art, the weirdest kid in our grade. He was okay... As long as he didn't open his mouth.

"Yes Freddie?" I ask aggravated.

"I was uh, wondering if anyone's sitting here because I want... Uh I want to sit here." He asked while picking his nose.

I mentally cry, "no, no one is sitting there."

He grins, "yes!! Now we sit together twice in one day- HA, if that isn't best friend goals, I don't know what is!"

I glance around to all the students watching us, "yeah.... Uhhhh I prob-"

"HASKELL!" Freddie yells

I groan, "don't yell my name."

He laughs, "it sounds like we're having sex!"

My eyes widened suddenly, "Fred-"

"OH HASKELL-" Freddie mimicked a women's moan

my face turns red as more people turn to us, "Freddie please n-"

"OH HASKELLLLLLLLLL" he groans loudly

"Stop acting like you're a paid actor on pornhub!"  I cry and my face falls into my palms

"HAHA who. Who, who hum, who says I'm acting buddy??? HAHA" laughs Freddie.

Oh, God.


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