Chapter Two

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By the time I arrive I London which is mid-afternoon it's time for final fittings and such to go down. They already had a mock runway installed in L.A in the warehouse where I practiced the songs that I will be performing for the show. It's not until about an hour before the actual show that I run into Karlie. I had been trying like mad to avoid her particularly since we hadn't talked since the article ran for Hollywood Live. I had missed her because I feel like Karlie just understands me in a way that no-one else does. Not even my family, but at the same time there is already a large spotlight on Karlie and I and our friendship we don't need to add fuel to the fire that it's more than that.

The night after the show was busy I decided to go to an after-party but left pretty quickly upon deciding that it would be more beneficial for me to get sleep than to be too drunk for the flight home. Alcohol and flying never really agree with me so I try to avoid doing them at the same time. As I step off the elevator at the door to my suite on floor 13 I see Paul near the door, he watches me answer my phone but tries to act discrete which I appreciate, although they are paid to be discrete so I expect it too. "Karlie," I state as her sunshine voice speaks at me,
"Hey Tay, so I'm in the neighbourhood. Well downstairs, do you want a visitor?" I look around expecting her to pop up but she doesn't. "Uhm sure, I'm not changed and my suite is a mess but if you want then by all means come on up,"
"Good, because I'm at floor 10 already." I look around and almost as I go to speak she steps out, looking right at me with her green eyes and I know that I'm a goner if she suggests to drink anymore tonight, my mouth will run away with me but I don't have an excuse as to not invite her in. "You going to stand there or invite me in?" She questions as I step towards the door and invite her in. As she waltz's past me I get a hint of her Elizabeth Arden perfume that the show made them use. "Aren't you going to grab a drink or something?" I look at her as she questions me and I know that neither one of us will escape this night unscathed. We are destined to live in a fishbowl going around and around.

Two hours later and it's official that I'm drunk and now Karlie is moving closer to me, I think she gathers how I feel about her but nothing has ever been said between us. I think she thinks that it's just a joke made up by Swifties online and I suppose it would seem really out there and wild to anyone who it happens to specifically when there are no reciprocal feelings involved. Sometimes I think it would simply be easier to take the chance when its presented but she's so in love with Josh I have no reason to interrupt her happiness or ruin our friendship because I couldn't keep my feelings to myself. I'm sure in time that the bottled feelings will come out as another song but for now they are bottled and sealed down tight. It would make me feel better if I was able to confront Karlie and ask her if she has any feelings for me, but I know that she only loves me as a friend and I don't think it's fair to ruin her trip to London, she only told me last week that she doesn't get here often enough. So I think that tight lipped is the way to go at least for right now.

Three hours later things have definitely not gone the way that I wanted them too. I'm lying in the bed in my hotel staring up at the roof and usually it would make me feel good apart from Karlie kept daring me to take a shot with her after my revelation earlier of not telling her anything and of course being the big mouth that I am I couldn't stop myself and when Karlie got in my face and was talking about Josh I grabbed her and just kissed her, and I expected her to pull back in disgust but instead she shocked me and she grabbed me roughly and tossed me under her long lanky body and without even wasting a second began to devour my neck and lips. I think that even now they are still bruised but it's a good feeling. From my point of view Karlie kissing me was more than enough to keep me interested and wondering but Karlie took it a step further and dragged me to my hotel room and after undressing me she pushed me towards the bed. We were making out before I even knew what was happening and it didn't take long for me to give in to what she wanted me to do. She ended up passing out on top of me and even though I've moved her off to the side I know that she's going to want to know why she's her and even more why she's in my bed and I don't know what to tell her. Do I lie to her and tell her that nothing happened and she randomly stripped naked and climbed into my bed and face the fact that she may leave or do I tell her the truth and know for certain that she will leave. I guess fate will be decided at the models brunch tomorrow, as I was invited today by Lily along with the other singers at the show. Arianna, Hozier and Ed. There were others invited but I know for certain about those three and that they said yes. So as I take a deep breath I pray for the strength to either lie to one of my best friends tomorrow or tell her the truth and loose her either way. 'Please god, be with me...'

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