Chapter Ten

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Taylor's P.O.V

Today is officially five months, five months of absolute bliss and more romantic gestures than I've seen in my last three relationships. Karlie is so patient and loving with me and I often forget that we are dating and think of us as more best friends and just as the day starts and Karlie comes over, the day quickly turns to custard.

Earlier that morning...

"Hi baby, I'm just at Starbucks, what do you want me to order you?" Karlie questions obviously nestling her phone between her ear and shoulder. "Uhm, I don't know nothing coffee related, I drank coffee early this morning while I was working on the tour schedule." I state and I hear Karlie grunt in approval as she hears me and then she states, "okay, maybe I'll bring you a surprise drink. You okay with that?" I look around the living room where my stuff is spread out and I nod,
"yeah that sounds good the guys know that you're coming so just text them when you're close and they'll make sure they let you in." We quickly say goodbye and in the thirty minutes it takes for her to get here I get dressed and clean up but the moment that she rings the doorbell and I answer the door I can sense a change in the air.

"Hey Karlie, what's up?" I question as she thrusts a drink into my hands and walks in and I notice that she's tense, her shoulders and back muscles are tensing and I can tell that something is wrong with her. "Karlie, what is it?" I question shutting the door and walking after her. She doesn't say anything but she sits down and throws her phone down onto my coffee table, denting the wood but it doesn't really bother me not if she's upset and angry about something. I sit down next to her and nurse my Caramel swirl Hot Chocolate which smells amazing. I take one look at Karlie and know that this is serious so I wait patiently knowing that she will tell me when she's ready, but I had no idea that what she would say would be so devastating.

Karlie's P.O.V

My alarm wakes me at 5.00am so to be active with life I decide to get dressed and go for a gym session, racing out the door I'm shocked to see that when I reach the gym it's actually locked, this puts me into a funk because I've been trying to get back into shape because I've got lots of shoots coming up and I've been travelling and getting a little bit of chunk back on which makes me look better than ever according to Taylor but modelling photographers have been noticing and mentioning it to management who tell me, and the past few months have been worse than others. Rumours have been swirling and making things tough for me. Management are on my arse and all I want is to be able to work out my frustrations in the gym but now I can't even do that. Looking down at my watch I see it's now 6.15am so I decide that instead a quick run around the park can be my substitute. I heave out a large sigh and start to walk that way and then I decide to start a gentle jog so that I can warm up.

By 8.00 I'm back at my apartment and freshly showered with a whole day free. Deciding to walk to Starbucks I call Taylor on the way, expecting her to be busy but she's only arranging her tour which makes me smile because she's no longer writing any material. She states she doesn't want coffee so I intend to get her a hot chocolate probably the caramel signature one that I love so much. I know that she will love it too. But after I've gotten her hot chocolate and my vanilla bean latte I head towards Taylor's place but on the way there I receive a call from my manager Zoe. The conversation starts off friendly enough until she says this. "You're recent hang outs in public with Taylor is making it difficult for our company to book in jobs for you, you need to compromise, it's either your 'whatever' with Taylor or your modelling job with our company." My mouth drops open in shock, "are you serious?" I hear a sudden noise on the other end and as I know that management don't have an actual answer for me. "Really, so if I don't stop hanging out with someone that I care about then everything that I've worked for can be taken away? What exactly would you take from me?" I question and they quickly say, "so the Klossy channel that you want so badly on YouTube will be taken from you, it can't be made without us, so you decide Karlie. Taylor or your future career and Klossy plans." My mouth drops open in shock.
"Are you for real, true and total blackmail. That's excessive." I state,
"It's excessive but necessary to get you to focus. So take your pick, if I don't see you out in public with her in the next few days then I'll assume that you've decided to go with us." I don't say anything and I just hang up on her.

Within ten minutes I'm at Taylor's on her couch watching her as she sips the signature hot chocolate, I can tell she likes it but I can't help but think of the words in my head, I have to give up Taylor in order to keep my modelling career but if I don't want to give up Taylor I'm sacrificing my career and I want to start my Klossy YouTube channel but I can't do it without management, they need to sign off on something to do with it. Suddenly I sit and look at Taylor before I say, "Taylor we need to end this, I can't do this anymore..." Taylor's face looks at me and I can tell she's shocked. "What? Are you kidding?" Taylor questions looking at me as she stands up putting the hot chocolate on the coffee table, "yes I'm serious. I know that this is probably a shock but management has told me if I don't give up you then I can't have Klossy or probably even do my coding classes. So I need us to stop," I state reaching for her hands but not surprised when she pulls back, "Taylor please. It's..."
"...not personal. I know." Taylor states looking at me. "But you do, I bared my soul to you five months ago and you've just taken my soul and heart and torn it over a bit of blackmail." I watch as she stands and moves towards the hallway and I follow her. "Where are you going? Don't you want to talk about this?" I question her,
"Nope, I don't want to talk about it, because talking about it would mean that you are allowed to stay here in my apartment not anymore. You need to leave." Taylor states opening her door and shocking Matt patrolling the door, "are you serious?" I question making Taylor stare at me. "Am I serious? You come into my apartment and break up with me because of your career and you expect me to let you to stay? Fuck you Karlie. Fuck you, come back when you've grown a pair of figurative balls. You could start YouTube without your management and you can do whatever you want without management but you want the security so for that reason, fuck you. Now get out." She states, I walk past her and into the hallway but before I can even turn around she slams the door in my face. I stare at the wooden panelling of her door in shock and then I think. 'What the fuck did I just do?'

Sorry for the language use in this chapter, epilogue to follow in a few days. 

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