Chapter Three

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Taylor's P.O.V

The sunshine warms my face and at the same time makes the small fly away hairs on my face tickle my nose. Instead of the tickling feeling stopping when I swipe my face it continues. I open my eyes and sigh at how familiar the sensation is, realising quickly that I forgot to take out my contacts last night and that makes me groan. "God, what the hell?" a voice calls from beside me and I immediately know the voice to be Karlie's voice. "Karlie?" I question looking in that direction. "Tay, is that you. Wazz going on?" Her sleepy voice sounds so cute but I need to stop thinking that way. "Oh well after last night you were too drunk to go back to your room and so you just stayed here, is that okay?" I question glancing at Karlie. She nods and sits up while rubbing her eyes and that's when the sheet begins to slide and Karlie notices that she is only dressed in bra and underwear. 

"Holy shit, did I undress myself to get in the bed? Wait why didn't I take the couch, or you?" Karlie states as she rounds on me and my mouth drops open in shock. How dare she accuse me? Was it really my fault that she happened to fall into the same bed as me but then I think about us last night, together we seemed to fit so well especially when we were making out on this very bed. But I know that I can't actually say anything about it so instead I get up. "Wow, so me being the great friend I am to you I didn't make you go back to your hotel room where you would be alone and instead I took care of you and this is how you treat me?" I question as Karlie looks embarrassed by she doesn't do anything to stop me as I move towards the bathroom intending to shower but as I reach the door I pause and turn to her. "Oh and Karlie, as if it wasn't obvious to you, I think that you should leave." Then without even saying anything else I walk into the bathroom locking the door behind me just in case she tries to apologize because right now I really can't believe that she tried to blame me for something that we both did and she just can't remember due to the amount of alcohol she consumed.

Stepping out of the shower a mere twenty minutes later I'm shocked to see that she actually has left when I step into the bedroom. Although told her to go I'm still in shock that she actually left because I never expected her to listen and respect my wishes.

The flight back to New York from London was long and lonely as Karlie never showed up for the flight home so instead of celebrating our amazing weekend in London but instead things are very different. The long flight did give me time to reflect and maybe I should have just told Karlie the truth because as it stands it is completely possible for her to now turn around and walk out of my life, because lets' face it I was extremely rude. So I wouldn't blame her in the slightest and I would only have myself to blame but I guess that things will work out if I leave them alone.

When the plane touches down I see Paul glance at me and without him even saying anything I know I'm a mess but I'm hopeful that given the fact that it's now 3.45am in the morning that the paparazzi have gone home for the night and won't snap pictures of me because if I'm honest I haven't slept since getting on the plane so I know that I'll be grouchy and I don't see myself sleeping very well over the next few days or even weeks so that's not good for the up and coming performances that I'm supposed to have specifically the New Year's one in Times Square. "Ready Miss Swift?" I look at Paul and I see the sympathy in his eyes, I know that he has some idea of what went down between Karlie and I but he's professional enough to not say anything to me which I appreciate more than he will ever know. He's been the best part of my security ever since I started to move into the public light because it could be argued that prior to RED being sold I lived mainly in Nashville and paparazzi are not a problem there it's calm and quiet. But ever since moving here to New York and Karlie's insistence it's become a major issue.

The elevator comes to me and takes me to the penthouse and I get in, Paul leads me to the door obviously worried and when I walk into the apartment Meredith and Olivia wander towards me and their attachment and welcoming of me makes me burst into tears. Paul goes to speak but I say, "no I'm fine Paul. Switch out and go home to your family..." he nods but I can see he is reluctant so in a joking manner I say, "I'm not going to do anything bad. I'm staying here the night." He nods and leaves, I hear the door lock behind him so I put the safety chain on the door for extra security despite the three men on the doors, one up here and two down at the street level.

Sighing I drop to the floor and allow Meredith to climb onto me and settle in my lap, which she hasn't done since she was a kitten so at least she recognizes that I'm not in the best mood right now which I appreciate it because over the years she's become less attached to me and now days Olivia always stumbles towards me in her clumsy manner. I hug Meredith towards my face and breathe in her fur that calms me because it smells like home and when I place her down I'm happy for her to walk away because I never thought she'd allow me to scoop her up like that and love her. Olivia smooches my leg and I pat her and rub behind her ear forcing her to roll over like a dog and she begins to purr contently and eventually falls asleep so I decide to stand.

But as I move towards the kitchen I see a shape sitting there, I tense and I'm about to ring for security but the shape emerges and says, "how long have you liked girls for?" My brain falters as I look at the person in front of me and wonder why I wasn't told someone was here but I guess security knew that I was coming home tonight and figured that I was having people stay which I admit is common but this is out of left field.

Question time:

Who's in the kitchen?

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