Chapter Nine

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Karlie's P.O.V

"Of course not," I state looking at Taylor,
"So then do you not come out because you don't want to or you're comfortable with how things are right now, I mean its fine either way but don't you want a family? I mean eventually?" Taylor questions looking at me as she sits back and it makes me look at her, "I don't really know, I've never thought about it before, I mean I know that I'd like one someday but for right now I'm fine without one." I state as Taylor nods but looks shocked as she goes to talk. "That doesn't mean that I am totally against it but I don't know, doesn't really fit." I state as Taylor nods her head very slowly like she doesn't agree with me but is too polite to say. "I guess a family isn't exactly for everyone," Taylor states standing up and moving towards the kitchen. I sigh and stand to follow her, when we reach the kitchen it's pretty clear that Taylor is thinking about families and kids so it seems normal for me to ask her, "hey so when do you plan on having kids?" Taylor pauses mid reach towards a cup the usual cup that she uses for her coffee and she turns to look at me. "When do I want kids?" Taylor questions back at me and then as I nod my head.

For some reason it seems like this question makes her nervous, "well I'd like kids, no doubt about that I guess I'm just waiting for the right man so that I can have my dream of kids come true." Taylor states looking at me with such emotion that I know that having kids is really important for her, "so do you want them yourself, like biological or adopted? What's your preference?" I question as she fully turns towards me ignoring her coffee cup for right now. "I don't know," she states honestly. "I guess if I'm totally honest I don't really know, my life is far too complicated to even think about subjecting a child to it. I mean I've got my tour next year and so I guess I should probably just focus on that." Taylor states as I stare at her completely shell shocked, because I guess I just expected her to want them straight away and have it figured out down to how many of each sex and whether she wants them to be adopted or her own children. "So you've not thought about it. Will you think about it soon, I mean your tour isn't going to go on forever so I guess it seems weird that you haven't already thought about it," Taylor only shrugs and turns back for the cup which it's obvious she can't reach so I step in behind her making sure I rub along her back and as she groans and grinds back into me but as I go to reach down and kiss her she stops me and I pull away respecting her space.

Taylor's P.O.V

I pull away from Karlie and the only thing that makes that worse is the fact that I have no idea why I even moved away from her but I guess her statement about her not thinking about having kids for some reason makes me nervous because I guess I'm willing to risk it all for Karlie if she's willing to let me do it. But for some reason right now the nerves are coming out in full force and I don't know if I can overcome them at least right now. So I find myself sinking back into my terrified ways, the way that I've always lived my life since knowing for sure that I was a lesbian, but for now I'm living in seclusion and for right now that's working for me.

"Do you want to watch some TV Tay?" Karlie questions looking at me from across my kitchen where she is eating an apple, "uhm, well not really I kind wanted to spend a bit of time prepping the tour tonight, but you're more than welcome to stay and hang out I'm only sorting the stage so if I finish early maybe a marathon later on though..." I state as Karlie nods and moves towards the living room where my TV is. "Well then I'll get set and put on my favourite season of SVU, god forbid you get to pick again..." she jokes as I smile at her and make my way upstairs towards my office where all the tour stuff is. Grabbing my binder book and a pen I sit down and start to plan out how the tour is going to work. I briefly jot down a few places that I'd like to perform at but no places really leap out so I just write down Austin, Los Angeles, New York, St Louis, Miami, London because I know that my management team will have it figured out the places that they'd like me to go and tour at so in that respect I really have no say at all. Next comes the stage, and now for this tour we've decided to completely go with everything that is the opposite of my last tours, ever since Fearless we've always used the same stage material and had it made at the same place, done our practicing at the same place in Nashville but this time I want to switch things up, I've already decided on an all male dance group which sounds like a bold idea but I know that management want to go with at least three females to even out the male to female ratio.

As the hours progress and more of the tour gets planned out and before I can do anything more about it I suddenly have a brain wave. 'Karlie' I push myself away from my desk and bolt for the door and heading downstairs. Walking into the living room the TV is playing SVU one of the many episodes where Detective Olivia Benson kicks ass, but that's not what I notice. I notice one very long Karlie Kloss spread across my couch sleeping soundly with an equally stretched out Doctor Meredith Grey spread on top of her. As I reach for my phone I spot Karlie starting to wake so instead of snapping a picture I move towards her and remove Meredith and place her on her blanket on the other couch. As I move the weight off Karlie, she wakes up and looks up at me with her cute sleepy grin, before tugging me down onto her and kissing my lips before whispering, "if you want to have kids then I'm in, fully and completely. No matter what," I look down at her in shock before a big grin spreads across my face. "That sounds fantastic, one day at a time?" She nods and whispers,
"One day at a time."    

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