Chapter Six

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Taylor's P.O.V

I barely have enough time to react before I find myself actually pushing Karlie back and bringing my fingers up to my lips in a protective way. "What the hell was that Karlie," I question as she sit back with a dreamy look on her face, "that was what started in London Taylor, I know it happened and I know that you can't do anything to stop how I feel now." I hold my breath and try to move backwards but at the same time I feel compelled to move towards her, I feel drawn to Karlie like I never have before and that in itself frightens me to death. I don't want to be drawn to Karlie in the way that I am but it seems like I may no longer have a choice as to how I am drawn to her. It's like having an intense feeling of want all the time, whenever I'm around Karlie. 

As we sit in silence I find myself watching Karlie as she sits next to me in the chair and completes some of what I imagine is her college work. She looks pretty good sitting there wearing her glasses and concentrating on her work in front of her. "You know I wouldn't mind having a little bit of conversation I mean, I'm stuck here not doing anything." Karlie puts her laptop aside and turns towards me, a bright smile already crossing her face. "Well what would you like to talk about?" Karlie questions looking at me and then crossing her leg over her other leg. "I'm not sure, but anything is better than nothing." I state and as soon as I say that I'm bored Karlie whips out her phone and brings up a trivia game that she always has on her phone. "Okay, do you want to go first or second?" I smile at her and say first so she starts to toss me mindless questions. 

Less than an hour into playing a doctor comes in and tells me that I can now go home because there is no long lasting effect of me practically falling on my butt because I blacked out. By the time that I'm ready to be discharge my mom has arrived and Karlie has gone home, she promised to come and see me later tonight but I'm not sure whether I really want to see her. Ever since she kissed me I can feel myself becoming more confused, because at the end of the day Karlie still has a boyfriend and I'm still a closeted lesbian so I have no idea where it's going to go or even if we can keep our friendship going at all.

"Okay I've got to get going to the airport, are you sure you're going to be okay here in this big apartment by yourself?" my mom questions as she gathers her belongings up in preparation to leave. As she turns to look at me one last time I can feel that she's changing her mind about even leaving. "What is it mom?"I question looking at her as she smiles a little. "I'd just feel more comfortable if there was someone here in the apartment that could take care of you, because somehow I don't think that the cat's are able to bring you food or ensure that you're alright at night." She states,
"So what do you want me to do?" I question, even though deep down I know that she wants me to call Karlie so that Karlie can come and take care of me but I don't think that she realizes how hard it is for me to ask Karlie to come and stay. "How about I call Jack and Lena to come over and just hang out with you for a bit. Maybe, if you want Karlie could come instead." But I shake my head quickly, "no Jack and Lena are fine."My mom stops and stares at me but says nothing, and as she leaves she looks at me. "I promise I'll call someone." She nods and leaves.

Once she's gone I breathe in the silence of the room. Picking up my phone I go through it until I get to Jack. But as I go to select the name Jack I look at the name below 'Karlie' pausing just for a second I think about how Karlie has sat with me for the last 12 hours in the hospital and how she kissed me but I pushed her away, I know that I promised my mom that I would call Jack and Lena but after the past 12 hours I just really need to talk to Karlie, so when I press her number, she answers and says, "I'm outside your door. Come let me in?" I smile as I stand up and move towards the door. The moment the door is open, it's like my heart is now open. I'm feeling light and airy and she quickly moves towards me, pressing her needy lips onto my needly lips and it feels like heaven. But then I pull back and say, "we still have to talk about the kiss..."

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