Chapter Seven

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Taylor's P.O.V

"I know we still have to talk about the kiss, but must it be right now?" I state pulling back from Karlie which causes her to groan. "Why must it be right now, we're so close. Why do you want to talk about it now?" Karlie questions as she actually takes a step back this time.
"Because we need to, apart from the fact that you are still dating a man but you're still coming to me to kiss me so we really need to discuss this Karlie." I state drawing her into the apartment and forcing her to sit in the lounge. She sits waiting and then when I don't start talking she does. "Okay so let's start the talk from when we were in London." I nod and she continues, "when I woke up next to you in London it scared me. I've never woken up next to a girl before and after waking up next to Josh for the better part of four years it was a shock and then to boot I was in bra and panties, not exactly the best way to wake up next to your best friend." I nod and look at her, "Well I didn't exactly expect you to drink so much the night of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and then when ended up in the hotel room, well I just wanted to make sure that you were taken care of, I never expected us to wake up next to each other. But I guess when you woke up I knew how you would react to me, how everyone will react when they find out." I state standing up and walking over to the other side of the room. "React about what Taylor?" Karlie questions as she moves behind me and places her hands on my shoulders.

I shake off Karlie's hands and turn away, "never mind Karlie, it's not like it will make a difference..." I turn and see a look of confusion cross her face. "Want coffee? I just got a new machine." I watch the confusion on her face but it quickly fades as she realises that I'm watching her, she nods sullenly and then follows me to the marble bench top kitchen that I love but I still miss my mismatched kitchen of Nashville. Walking to the coffee machine I grab a couple of mugs and turn the machine on but before I can even turn to look at her, Karlie boxes me in with her ever stretching arms and lies her head on my back. "I don't know what you were talking about before when you spoke of how no one will understand but at the end of the day, if I don't understand I will try to understand." She states, I nod and turn in her arms. She looks like she's about to kiss me but I know that won't work out well. "Look Karlie I like you, a lot enough to keep kissing you but I need to tell you something that could change the way that you feel about me." Her eyes look at me like she wants to understand but that she's scared to understand at the same time. "Try me..."

I take a deep breath and then move towards the barstool and sit down. As I sit Karlie sits down next to me. "Okay, what's eating you up?" I look at Karlie and she seems interested so I start by questioning her about what she remembers in London. "What do you remember,"
"What do you mean, I don't exactly remember much about London, but I do remember the way I felt when I woke up next to you wearing nothing more than my underwear and the embarrassment that ran through my body, but is that what you were asking me about?" I find myself nodding and understanding exactly what Karlie is talking about. "Yeah, but it was a little more than that, do you remember anything else from that night in London?"
"No, but I'm guessing that there is more to it that what you're letting on." I find myself nodding and agreeing that there is more to it. "Yeah, we did share more than just the bed that night and I find it hard to believe that if I hadn't pushed you off that we wouldn't have gone for a home run instead of stopping at making out." By this stage of me talking Karlie is looking at me and it doesn't seem like what I'm saying is a massive shock to her which makes me think that the idea of us making out in London isn't that far into left field as I imagined.

We sit in silence for another few minutes but before Karlie even gets a chance to dispute what I'm saying I cut in. "Oh my god. You knew that there was more to London, didn't you?" I question as Karlie starts to redden around the cheeks and that's when I know that she always knew that we made out and more happened. "No, well I assumed. I mean the last time I checked I wasn't one for biting the inside of my own lip, so I guess I just put two and two together and ended up with five...ya know?" she queries looking at me as I break out into a fit of giggles. "Five, I think you mean four Kar," I state as she shrugs and looks at me again with a bit of fire and what looks like fight in her eyes and then she says, "okay so tell me what this thing is that no one will understand." I look up at Karlie and I'm so tempted to just tell her that I'm gay but at the same time I know that I shouldn't just say it. But seeing the honesty in her eyes and thinking about the last few times that we've kissed and the way that I've felt so safe which makes me think that I should tell her and if she still wants to leave then she can.

I look up at Karlie once more after spending a good thirty seconds looking at the ground contemplating and then once I look up at her I know, I know that I can trust her. "Karlie there's not much that you don't know about me right?" I question as I walk towards the dining table, the table that Karlie actually helped me pick out. I sit down and she follows suit looking worried, "well, yeah I know quite a bit about you," I nod and then say,
"Okay well let me ask you some questions to see if that's true," she nods and the glint in her eye is back again. "What is my middle name? Do I prefer cheese or pepperoni pizza? What is my favourite type of cake? My favourite colour? Name all of my albums in order." I state as Karlie nods and pretends to crack her knuckles like she's going to work. "Okay, so Alison, then you like both types of pizza but defiantly pepperoni more. You love to bake healthy but your favourite type of cake is the chocolate one that I made you at my house that time. You don't have a favourite colour preferring to like all colours equally and your albums in order go, Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now, RED and 1989. I think that's all you asked me. So now tell me, what's your deepest secret?" My breathing stops and I state at Karlie in shock because without her meaning to she has asked me the one question that relates to what I was going to tell her. "Uhm, Karlie this can't go any further than my apartment and I'm sorry I've never told you this before but I'm gay." Her mouth drops open and her eyebrows raise, "you're gay?" She questions making me smile. "Yeah I am, I always have been. The guys have always been for management to sell songs and stuff. I've known that I was gay for a very long time and it's taken me until now to let anyone know. I've only recently told my mom." I look at her expecting her to leave but instead she stands and moves closer to me. "Listen to me Taylor, you telling me that you're gay doesn't change anything and in fact it makes me wonder why you haven't told me before. Did you not trust me?" Karlie questions making me look at her, "of course I trust you but this is just a little too close for home for me. I just wanted to make sure that when I told someone that it was on my terms and not anyone else's. It was a personal choice." I state and that makes Karlie pull me to my feet and bring me close to her.
"Okay then this is a personal choice too..." she states before pressing her lips on mine. 

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