Epilogue - Part One

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Taylor's P.O.V

It's been almost four weeks since I went to the BRITT Awards in London, I received an award for the first time there and I discovered later that Karlie was at the awards too but she never came up to me or even spoke to me, in fact she hasn't spoken to me even once since I slammed the door in her face for more or less leading me on. But today is a new day and today I'm in Nashville. I've been spending more time in Nashville lately than New York, because New York only reminds me of Karlie, my couch reminds me of the night that her and Meredith were cuddled on the couch together before we made out. That was the night we became official, and decided to take it one day at a time but things changed so quickly and now we're two broken people. We are two halves who used to be whole together. But now I'm lonely, I try to take things one day at a time but I'm still lonely.

Management call me in to see them every now and then but even more recently over developments for the tour and I always attend putting 110% into absolutely everything just so that no one actually knows the pain that I'm in. I've talked to my mom and dad and even Austin who all understand the pain that I'm living with but they all know that I can't help it, you love who you love and I just happen to love Karlie and now I can't get her out of my mind. But management have a way to fix that too and it involves one very tall Scottish man that I met at the BRITT Awards. Calvin Harris or Adam Wiles as he told me to call him which is something that I've never understood, why singers or other musical artists in the industry pick a stage name that's different from their real names. But Adam's such a lovely man and we had a great night together in London so I've said that when he's in America he should call me, and I never imagined that he would take me up on that offer but this morning, about twenty minutes ago I was woken by a call from Adam. He's in Nashville and he was wondering if he could stop by, I say yes and he tells me that's good news because he's in downtown and coming my way. Which is what leads me to today and the knowledge that in twenty minutes Adam will be here. I've already quickly dressed and I'm cleaning the living room downstairs so that it's at least presentable for when Adam arrives.

When Adam does arrive I'm shocked at how his large Scottish frame fits into my apartment. He's so tall and handsome as hell, and his smile is one smile that lights up the room. He always makes me laugh which is amazing because I have such a dry sense of humour and he's so readily available to make me laugh in any way possible. He states the dumbest things that he and his friends have done, even going as far as to have a pool table competition blindfolded but it only led to a trip to the emergency room when one of his friends Burns almost lost an eye which makes me laugh but I have no idea why. "So Taylor, got any food?" Adam questions as we're halfway through some of my favourite Law and Order SVU episodes. "Uhm, no but I guess we can make something. What do you eat?" I question. He laughs and takes out his phone showing me pictures of the meals he makes.
"Chicken, lots of chicken and I love it too much. So if you've got chicken then I'd love you forever." He states sitting up and moving closer to me and he's suddenly really close and I get to see a close-up of his beautiful face. "Oh well I-I-I uhm..." I state jumbling my words as he quickly retracts and sits back. "Oh shit! Damn it sorry I didn't mean to get into your space. I'm really sorry." Adam states as he slams back on the couch and puts his hands over his face. "God now I've really ruined it. Sorry...I'll leave if you want," he states standing up and going to leave but I stop him by laying my hand on his bicep. "No don't leave, you don't have to. We can cook something, maybe eggs?" Adam breathes in and out, "eggs are good. I love eggs." He states as I smile, "That's good, me too." We smile at each other and spend the rest of the morning hanging out and at lunch we make eggs.

A year later...

Adam and I have been together forever now, well a year for some people but 'forever' for me. It seems like such a long time but I guess in respect to other people's relationships it's nothing. But today is a special day, today marks the day that Adam and I have marked as the one day we try to act like a couple. We've got lunch in New York planned with Ed at the Spotted Pig, Ed thinks that like everyone else that Adam and I are a couple, but we've gotten good at hiding things especially in public places where our relationship can sometimes be questioned. But that night in particular got a bit out of control, Ed insisted that we go out and drink at a bar and one thing led to another and we both ended up drinking too much. Which lead to a series of unfortunate events starting with Adam and I kissing on the couch at my New York apartment which creates memories and stirs up old ones, the next unfortunate event was that even though we don't actually have feelings for one another one thing led to another and we are undressing each other in my room. The next thing that I remember is waking up next to Adam, we both agreed that it was a mistake because I don't have any feelings for Adam, he's accepted that I'm still in love with Karlie and we agreed to simply call it scratching an itch.

But that itch grew a lot bigger four weeks later when my period fails to arrive and a simple test proves that I'm pregnant with Adams child. Despite the fact that we are no longer together and have split amicably, we are intending to make it a big deal and remain together behind the scene, but this complicates things a lot but still the only person that I really want to talk to right now is Karlie but that's not going to happen because despite it all she still won't choose me, she will never choose me over her career so maybe I should just flaunt it in her face.

Part Two of this epilogue will be set in the future but will be short. Probably only 500 words max. Hope you've enjoyed reading. Let me know if you have one-shot ideas via the Requests page in the Kaylor One-Shots or private message. Even down below i'll transfer it. 

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