Chapter Four

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Taylor's P.O.V

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I question as I recognize the outline in my kitchen along with the voice. "Why do you think I'm here Taylor? Also I asked you a question, answer it please." I gulp looking at the woman who raised me. I know that my mom has probably almost always known that I was gay, I mean my stellar choices for men haven't been good. I mean, Harry Styles? What the hell was I thinking, trying to stay under the radar with that one. I must admit he was good at playing it off and he never tried to use it to gain fame, but still. "Well, if you're asking then you've obviously got an inclination so why don't we talk honestly?" I question coming in and lying my purse down and I notice that the cats have been fed and watered so it's one less thing that I have to do which I'm thankful for. "Okay if that's what you want. Do you need to change?" I look down and see my dress and high heels that I've travelled home in, nodding I waltz off and the cats follow obviously thinking that we are headed to bed for a movie marathon. "Sorry guys, I have to deal with this." I state as they look confused when I go to the closet instead of my bed where my pyjamas are located.

Emerging almost ten minutes later in a pair of stretchy jeans and a loose long sleeved tour shirt from RED I admit that I'm comfortable and the cats are already on the bed, despite me not staying with them, there they stay. I hear my mom going through my cupboards looking for something, I call out as I reach the bottom of the stairs that I have no food and that I need to go shopping, I hear her groan but then I say. "I have wine though..." this makes her look at me as I enter the room. "Sounds good, red or white?" I shrug at her as I say,
"I have both, what do you want?" she watches as I pull them off my wine shelf and then she examines them closely before deciding on white. While I grab a bottle of Smart Water from the fridge and it's suddenly awkward but I try to prevent it from getting worse by going to the lounge and settling into my favourite soft navy blue armchair. Mom comes in and settles on the leather couch, she loves it and it's the one piece of furniture that I brought from Nashville because she loves it so much. "So how does this start?" I question as mom takes a gulp, a literal gulp of wine. She looks at me and places it down before saying, "just tell me straight. Are you a lesbian or a bisexual?" I look at her and I say, "I'm pretty sure that I'm a lesbian," my mom raises her eyebrows at me. "Pretty sure, or one thousand percent sure?" I look at her and then smile at her bluntness. "I'm 100% sure mom." She sits back and after looking at me for a good thirty seconds, thirty seconds that felt very judgemental she simply says. "Okay. Do you want to ask me anything?" My mouth drops open. 

"Uhm sure, how did you know?" My mom laughs,
"Oh Taylor, I've always known I think. I mean there was the time when you were about three you had a pre-school playgroup at our house and you and your then friend Amy had a small kiss in the corner, I laughed by Amy's mom was not impressed. After that they didn't come back and you were so disappointed and I knew somewhere in your small mind that you were disappointed about it. That's when I first noticed it. But once we moved to Nashville you were so much more comfortable with a group of girls, like you are now..." this makes me blush and think of Karlie. "But yeah, I suppose it's a mothers intuition." I nod,
"I doubt whether I'll ever have tha, you're so good at it." I state taking a sip of water. My mom laughs, "of course you will Taylor, no matter what. You'll find it and you'll be just as good, if not better. I mean at least you can sing to make your child feel better." I laugh remembering my mom's failed attempts to sing me to sleep over the years. "Oh mom, you're better than your singing." She laughs, "Well I'd hope so, I still think that my singing is what drove Socks, our old cat away. But it could have been something else." I smile remembering our first cat Socks.

We spend the remainder of the night together, mom doesn't ask me any more questions and at the end of the night, which is literally an hour after we started she kisses me goodnight just the same which surprises me, I thought that she would be repulsed by having a daughter who likes other girls. I go to say something but I stop and she pauses, picking up on my distress. She carefully walks back to me and lifts my chin, making me look into her eyes, the same eyes that I find myself looking into when I apply mascara in the mornings. "There is nothing that you could ever do, say or become which would make me stop loving you or look at you in another way. I love you Taylor and that will never change, as long as I live." I nod as I feel tears form in my eyes and this makes me hug her close. "I love you too mom..." she nods pressing on last kiss to my head and as she walks away I whisper, "please never change..."

As I stand and look around the room, noticing that the curtains are already shut I nod and move towards the stairs intending on going to bed, probably to watch some SUV or find a decent movie so that I can snuggle with my cats. But a knock on my door makes me stop and look at the clock in my foyer. 9.37pm. 'Who can that be?' I question walking to peer through the peephole. I see a tall lanky body and my heart skips a beat, 'Karlie'. Opening the door I watch as she turns around, she seems nervous but so am I because I really have no idea why she is here. "Hi Taylor," she states and that's when my heart catches up and I feel myself becoming lightheaded. Swaying on the spot I see the lights start to fade and all of a sudden I let out what sounds like a squeak and then I'm falling, I don't know if it's literal or imaginative but my eyes focus on Karlie and the look of panic makes me think it's real but then there's only darkness. 'What the hell?' I think but I'm too tired to think into it anymore.

*Special Note*

Monday updates will be late in the day around 6.00pm New Zealand time.
Friday updates will be around midday, roughly 12pm New Zealand time.

I'm also curious to know where you are all from. If you want comment below where you're from. As in City/Town, State (if it applies) and Country. From what I can tell from my stats you're all spread across the world which is really cool.

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