Millie 7

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On our way to the Colosseum, I noticed that many other kids wore various brightly colored gauntlets and other weapons of sorts. One kid that I saw while I passed by really stood out to me. He had a bright gold sword that shone with a brilliance I hadn't seen before. I was about to turn around and ask him if he could tell me about it when Alex suddenly spoke.

"Oh wow!", exclaimed Alex. "That's so cool. It looks a little like a light saber."

"You like it?" The kid said, beaming. "My names Kiko." Noticing that we were all about to burst out laughing, he blushed and quickly retorted. "It's both a girls and guys name." He whined. "Don't laugh, it's not that funny."

"Sorry Kiko," I said, "I think that I can say for all of us that you have quite an exotic name."

"Oh sure," he laughed. "I have no idea what my parents were thinking when they named me. Maybe when they looked at me, they thought; let's name him the most cute, girlish, embarrassing name we possibly can come up with. And ta-da, an instant life of torment for me."

"I'm sure they had their reasons Kiko," I reassured him. "But hey, now you can be proud that you have a totally unique name. At least no one will ever mix your name up with someone else's. I have met so many girls with the same name as mine, and its been such a pain to figure out to whom the teacher is talking to."

"Oh by the way," he said, "while we are talking about names, I'm afraid you haven't told me your own."

Both Edward, Alex and I instantly felt regret that we hadn't even thought of telling him our names.

"I'm terribly sorry", I said, "I'm Millie, and this is Edward and Alex. It's nice to meet you." I smiled.

"You guys are new here right?" Said Kiko. "I think I saw the three of you during dinner last night."

"Yeah!" Said Edward. "We just arrived late last night."

"Oh wow, how do you like it here so far?" He said.

"If only all pizza was like the one I had last night, I would never eat anything else," remarked Alex with a smile.

He laughed. "I agree, the foods just about the best thing in the whole camp. Although eating pizza every day doesn't seem very healthy."

Alex glanced suspiciously at Kiko.

"You're not a vegetarian are you?" Said Alex, visibly deflating.

"Oh please, I wouldn't give up pizza even if I was faced with the choice of eating one piece of pizza or eternal life." He chuckled.

"Thank God!" Said Alex, brightening.

"Where are you all headed?" Kiko asked. "You're not going to go get some breakfast are you? It's nearly lunch time."

"Hello Kiko." Said Orion. "We are actually on the way to the Colosseum if you would like to come with us. These three appear to have no knowledge of their powers, so we are going there to see if they can get some help."

"Oh cool, would it be alright if I tagged along?" He asked. "My friends seemed to have abandoned me for the time being."

"What good friends you have there." I teased. "We would be happy for you to accompany us."

"Awesome!" He said. "Thanks Millie."

"Hey Orion," asked Edward, "how many people do you think are here at the camp?"

"I suppose nearly two hundred", said Orion. "But I'm afraid that the numbers don't stay very constant, due to the recent boldness of Jack and his men."

Edward and The Peculiar Discovery of the Three  RingsWhere stories live. Discover now