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Strong gushes of air whirled in my ears. Fear still creeped at the bottom of my spine giving off an uneasy feel.
"Where are we going exactly?" I asked.
"Seeing as you're fresh meat I've got to hide you from certain people".
I scoffed, replying "You can't contain me you know. I can't be tamed not even I can control my powers nor do I know my full capacity. I'm not a weapon".
He gave me the same look. A pitiful gaze with possibly a hint of guilt. "That's why I'm taking you someplace else. Somewhere they can't snatch you and use you for the wrong reasons".
Tempered again I demanded
"Why do you care anyways?! Why are you even helping me. For all I know you probably want to use me just as everyone does! Put me down now". I stared him down firmly. He slowed and placed me gently to the outskirts of town.
"I can help you", he told me.
"I don't need your help. I only just met you" please do.
"Just leave me be" don't go I'm all alone.
He sighed quickly opening his mouth as if to speak but then thought otherwise. I turned stubbornly and walked, cutting off whatever he had to say. In all honesty I was so overwhelmed the earth rocked around me. The events of the past day flooded through my mind threatening to drown me there and then. Wait, what if he told somebody?! I snapped round again worried. But he was gone, no trace left. I stood there for at least 2 minutes looking dead straight trying to catch up with myself. Had I imagined it? I failed to channel my emotions inside to maintain discipline.My knees gave in along with my hopes. Alone. Again.

Finding the old family home was of no difficulty to me. I used to come when I was a child as the house was now under my name. A grand charcoal standalone house. Victorian age style with green hedges hugging the bottom outskirts of the house exterior. Vines had started to creep around the house but in a beautiful way. My old home was majestic, yet frightening. Like a beautiful home you want to venture in-but not without a priest. For some strange reason this reminded me of him..of dice. I shook my head erasing any evidence of him found lingering among my thoughts. Who even names their child dice I thought sheepishly.
Nobody would ever go near this place since the last incident broke out 7 years back. 3 skeletons remained that day, children's skeletons. Burned black and bare. They were the last remaining of my family for all I knew. With them burnt the last of my kind,
last of my family,
last hope of ever belonging.

What kind of town only had one high school?
Mazing through the internet I tried to find a decent enough school to attend. Best way to start over is to start anew and normal of course no matter the effort.
'Bridgewick High: "Enhance your abilites through effort and respect"'
I scoffed well and true. So this is where I'm bound to go is it?  I was surprised that I actually had anxiety building in my stomach. High school, the epitome of hell. New girl? Even worse. With a flick of my finger the candle flame went out. The darkness swallowed me as I fell into a long yearned slumber. I had no clue as to why I felt so afraid to go. Just like before, I got a terrible gut feeling. But never mind tomorrow all I cared for now was rest.

Alarm clock hits 7:30am, rain patters on the window with clouds threatening thunder, senses beam to life. Bacon..eggs..buttered toast. Snap! My eyes flicked open, the dark Victorian room focusing rapidly. Bacon sizzling on a pan, food all laid out on the table downstairs. I could smell the whole cuisine as if it were right before me. But more mysterious than that, I heard footsteps coming upstairs towards my room. Silently crawling out of bed I stood, prepared for whoever it might be. I gasped shortly as my feet hit the stone cold wooden floor. Just as I drew my breath in, a petite short woman who looked around the age of 28 stood in the doorway, arms cradling eachother. She had a straight posture and wore a maids outfit. I wondered for a split second if my face expressed as much bewilderment as I felt.
"Miss Embry", she greeted and bowed. I stood rather dumbstruck, not knowing what to say or whether I was infact dreaming. But that's impossible, the only dreams I had were nightmares. "I am Anne Lunar, your housemaid dedicated to serving the Embry family.
Of course, I had forgotten the Lunars. The family of witches whom had always served the Embrys since the early 1600s. I supposed that called for formalities of speech.
"Morning. Much obliged for the breakfast Miss Lunar". A look of shock spread across her face as she raised her hands up. Her absurd waving reminded me of car wipers.
"Oh please Miss Embry, call me Anne". I forced a smile replying
"if it pleases you. Do you possess any uhh...abilities?" For it was common for to occasional housewife to posses powers in service to defending their masters. Such requirements had been expected since the old age.
"Yes ma'am. I am close to completing my full rotation". Relief worked its way through me as I realised I won't be the only one at home for once in a long long time. After dismissing Anne I ate quickly and escaped the silence filled room. At least that silence had drowned my anxieties for school. It was strange talking down to an elder but it was how my twisted family has always been- obnoxious, powerful and full of pride. I refuse to live up to their legacy. After washing my face and a few licks of light makeup I realised I only possessed two outfits (the rest had burned along with the town). I'll have to go shopping some time soon. I groaned as I scanned my outfit. It's not that I cared too much, it just wasn't comfortable. Blue tight skinny jeans that I folded at the bottom, a grey hoodie hiding a lacey black singlet and literally black havaiana's with a single white gem on each. My feet were going to freeze to death.

Pure satisfaction spread on  my face as I walked into the garage. The vintage family old 1970 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Long Wheel Base Saloon. Almost hugging the beauty I climbed in turning the key. The engine roared to life and off I went speeding my way to a drag of a day at school. But despite my excitement, I still had the uneasy pit of fear in my gut.
Large orange bricked buildings spread across 2 blocks formed the grounds of the school. High black metal fences surrounded the place now crawling with students. In the centre of these buildings was a large park plain that consisted of trees and wooden picnic benches. Groups of students embellished themselves in circles sitting and standing, conversating of their past holidays even though their perfect curls were getting wet. A painful prick of envy struck my heart. These people get to live their lives out with their friends and families in the same place, most probably born and raised here. Seems even the dullest of places will still always hold brighter privileges than myself.
I made my way to the office following signs hardly visible as they were rusty and covered by vines at the corners. Sighing, I pulled the heavy door open as warm air brushed my face. I  welcomed it with a smile. Smells of warm coffee, pencil shavings and ..spices? I wasn't one hundred percent sure but brushed it off nonetheless. A lady who looked halfway through her forties looked up at me from behind the counter. It was a modest office. Two salmon sitting chairs sandwiching a circular coffee table stacked with old magazines outdated by at least 8 months. "Can I help you Hun?"
"Oh- hello I'm new here, Evangeline Embry?" Her face went from a warm smile to a dull lifeless expression, I could feel the hints of fear swarming inside her. "Right. Stay here I'll go get you your tour guide please take a seat". And with that she hurried off rapidly, disappearing through a doorway. Confused, I sat down gazing out the window again. The rain seemed to be getting lighter and lighter until almost at a soft drizzle. I heard the footsteps before I saw the shadow cast on the window before me. "Miss Embry", my body went paralysed as I recognised that familiar voice. Whirling around I stared open mouthed at the person smirking down at me.
"Dice?! Wha-what are you doing here?". He grinned as he looked down at me, my heart leaped cutting off a heartbeat.
"Well isn't it obvious newbie? I'm here to show you around". He walked over to the door opening it wide, his hand gestured for me to exit as if to say 'after you!'. "Well come along now new girl".
Cringing, I cautiously got up and stalked out, great. Just great. Following his steps two paces behind him out of stubbornness, I couldn't help myself from scanning over him. All the girls seemed to stare at him and then angrily at me. The way he walked, the back muscles - "You shouldn't have come here Evangeline".
"Well this school compared to the only other is one hundred percent better in my eyes". Suddenly, he whipped around gripping my shoulders.
"It's not safe for you here!"
His grip was crushing. "Get off of me, you're hurting me Dice!" I shoved him off giving him a small burn shock on his arms. He seemed to think nothing of it.
"I can handle myself. The only danger I've gotten so far is you. Stay out of my way". With that I stalked off not quite knowing where I was going but my stubbornness and pride got the best of me. I heard a grunt in return along with the glaring eyes of naive girls.

Trial of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now