V. Not all that burns, destroys

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Dices P.O.V
From the very first time I saw her, she infatuated me.

The mere sight of her had brought my heart to the ground in surrender.

Even the ash and ruin hadn't been enough to cloud my senses as she corrupted my mission. I had originally set out to find the 'dangerous' Embry and eliminate her.
Nothing has felt right about that wretched town and the way they riot at night. It wasn't until a week ago - I annoyingly choked on the smoke before I saw it, whilst hunting in the woods.
I ventured alone to investigate, only to find the town burnt to a crisp. The shock was like a hand smashing through my chest, knocking the air out of me. How did this happen under my nose?! had I raced down the hill crushing bones, prints stamping the ash behind me.

Rage had been building inside of me, this Embry must be ruthless, merciless and an absolute psycho! Sick thoughts poisoned my mind as I ran seeking out who had done this unforgivable act.

It was then that the luring smell hit me, cutting off my concentration and purpose. The most intoxicating scent of cinnamon and mango. All my focus had somehow vanished like a flick of a switch. I had to track down this smell. This had never happened before.
The smell didn't have one particular smell. It was as if it was all your favourite things mashed into a melody, repeating over and over making my chest ring. With my nose leading my way I followed the scent over ruins.

Brick, snap of a bone, sinking of a paw.

One turn around a corner and there it was- there she was.

My heart rate had slowly decreased, all my surroundings sucked into a slow motion blur. No this is impossible! She sat in the focus, a brilliant flame among grey.

All my plans, rage and hate- gone.
For how could anything so innocent, so pure and bright be dangerous?

My urge to protect her from the pain arising a sheen glass sheet draining from her eyes consumed me. I had seen how her unique power burdened her. I remember wandering out against my will towards her step by step.

To my luck, loud lights of vehicles and sirens followed breaking off my trance. I mustn't be seen, so I fled. But I would not forget her...mate

~ ~ ~

Encounters after that moment had been my short lived weaknesses. Each time harder than the last. I couldn't get a grip on myself! Yet every time I tried to focus on the more important duties that weighed upon my shoulders, the more she wandered back into my brain.

Never had I thought such a person could have an affect on me, could change my daily course to never ending worry. She didn't know how dangerous it was for her to be here... the first place they would seek her. With her being out in plain sight rumours could spread of the return of the Embryo.

I had to protect her. I didn't know why but I had to. I couldn't let my weakness get the best of me. I was an Alpha for crying out loud. She couldn't be her.. it goes against nature.

Here she was standing infront of me in the stuffy history classroom. She blurted and demanded answers from me almost constantly."You ask a lot of questions don't you Eva?"
My hands had drifted automatically to her loose strand of hair, perfect in its simplicity. I wondered if she even knew of her impeccable beauty. Unexpected shocks of pleasure waves through my body at her responses to my touch. From when I first talked to her to when I carried her, light as a feather.

In only this short time knowing her, I felt so protective over her. As if she was my- Stop!
I forced my thoughts down. I recoiled away from her with a turn. She looked hurt which tore at my chest. But she wouldn't understand. I needed to clear my mind, to return to my pack. I regret sending them off to end a rogue clan in the north.
I needed escape now. I made for the door blurting instructions as I went. Half of me wanted her to stay and be safe, the other for her to never leave my side.

A short insight on Dices POV. Would you like more of these? Let me know! Xx

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