IV. To love is to destroy

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Staring off in the distance I allowed the anger surging in me to fade into numb boredom. Great, I lost my tour guide now I have no clue where to go nor where I am. My feet were wet from the puddles along the sidewalk. Oh right! The school diary in my bag. Pulling the binded book out I scanned my daily timetable with a sigh. History.

With the school map locked in front of my nose I wandered the maze of school halls in search of the 'S block'. I hoped the squeaky sound of my wet jandals across the hall floor wasn't drawing too much attention.
Halfway down the main school hallway I felt a red haired girls alarm as she stared at me poking her friend.
"Jessamine look! It's her"
"Who?" she replied looking annoyed.
"That chic who was with Dice this morning".
Hearing them was no hardship with my sense of hearing although at times like this it would be best if it could just switch off.
I could sense the blonde girls gaze before I met them. She was gorgeous there was no denying it. She reminded me of 'Jane' of the Twilight Saga movies. Just light blue eyes not red.
She annoyingly didn't take her eyes off of me as I passed silently. Something about her felt strange just like Dice. What was her deal honestly I thought as I turned the corner. 'How bitc-'

I collided hard into someone else causing me to drop my diary. I looked up to see his surprised response mirrored mine.

Almost winter snow hair which must have been bleached, vibrant blue eyes. He had a Lean muscly body and old fashioned open coat revealing a white tee underneath.
What was with this town? It's like everyone was picked out of Vogue Magazine.
"Sorry" we blurted in unison. He chuckled a chiming laugh picking up my diary from the ground.
"I believe this is yours?"
"Yes I dropped it" I replied more quickly than normal.
"You're a new face". He, just like the blonde girl from before wouldn't take his eyes off of mine.
"Well small town you know. Same faces. You're not from around here. Are you new?"
"Uhh, yeah. Hey sorry I'm actually late I'd better get to class". I put my hand out as to get my diary back when he opened it scanning my timetable.
"We have history together I can show you the way if you'd like".
With that he continued past me, still holding my diary. I was about to say something unintelligent when he turned suddenly, his coat opening unnaturally. "You coming new girl?".

 "You coming new girl?"

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Jessamine & Jasper

"Ugh" I crinkled my nose against what smelled like wet socks crossed with old wood. The classroom was basic enough with desks lined and seperate. Students were scattered around the room making a ruckus - except for one black haired guy with his head buried in his elbow, apparently asleep. Hmph he had nice arms.

"I know right. Unfortunately we're second period after the year 9's".
I giggled in the slightest. "Thanks for showing me the way. I wouldn't have made it otherwise. I'm Evangeline by the way. But people call me-"
"Eve not Eva. Nobody calls me that" I told him giving a weak smile.
"Well 'Eve not Eva', assuming your name isn't spelled e v e and so on I'll call you Eva"
"Suit yourself", I shrugged. He was nice enough but I wasn't planning on making friends. I was in this alone.

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