Enderlox x Neko Reader

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Narrates POV~

You walk around the dence, dark jungle biome near your house, trusty iron sword in hand and a pickaxe strapped to your back. The jungle was the last known place of an alleged Dragon sighting. The man who reported it died in the hospital from injuries from claws. But that happened a few years ago, everyone thought the dragon had moved on because not even the most known, respected Mob Hunters had found it. You didn't mind living so close, you enjoyed the silence, shade, and privacy it gave. The only thing you didn't like, was the feeling of being watched every time you entered.

??? POV~

I sat in a tree, waiting for her to come out and in to the jungle. Eventually, she did. Her name was (y/n), it was music to my ears and left a sweet taste in my mouth. She had an iron sword and a pick with her and walked towards the tree I was in. She was just under the tree branch and I stayed as still as possible, so I wouldn't scare her off. She wore her usual hoodie, it was (f/c), her favorite color. She never took it off in public, and I knew why, she was part Neko. She slid off her hood, taking out her (h/l), (h/c) hair and swishing it around. The light catching every move and making her glow, she was so beautiful. She looked around, uncertainty showing in her movement, and put her hood on again. She was the cutest cat I had ever seen, I wanted to take her home with me, and as soon as I got the chance, I would.

Your POV~

I walked deep enough in so no one could see me and slipped off my (f/c) hood, it was my favorite hoodie cuz it was my favorite color. I pulled out my hair and swished it around, moving it from my ears. Yes, ears, I'm part Neko, deal with it. I liked being alone for that one reason, I didn't want others to know my secret, for fear of what they would think or do. I perked up my ears and heard something rustle. I looked around and pulled my hood on again, I felt watched. I eventually shook the feeling off and walked around, looking for animals. I came to hunt, my food supply was running low. I walked around, checking over my shoulder every five minutes because I thought I had heard something. "I'm just paranoid," I told myself, dismissing the feeling when I saw a chicken. I instently fell into a stalking position, sword at the ready, and pounced. I killed it and put the meat inside a small, insulated pouch I had brought with me. I smiled in satisfaction and heard a small, male chuckle. I looked around, somehow, my tail was out and swishing around, but I didn't mind. I checked my surroundings, but no one was there. "H-Hello?" I called, curse my voice when I'm a nervous! It sounded small and frail, it made me sound weak. I backed up and bumped into someone. I whirled around and was engulfed in darkness.

Cliff hanger!!! Lets go for... one vote for the next chapter? Please leave your comments and suggestions! Hope you enjoyed! ^^

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