Thomas (Rememberance)

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       Hey guys! I hope you've enjoyed these little thingies, and I hope you enjoy this one as well! Bye for now.

     There was a beautiful meadow, all just the right shade of vibrant green, surrounded by beautiful oaks and pines, leaves varying shades of oranges, yellows, reds. In the meadow, lay a beautiful sea of flowers, all kinds, many colors. Through the middle, was a small stream, holding little tadpoles, small frogs, fish of all kinds.
     Then there was a small girl, she couldn't be older than eight or nine. She had naturally wavy hair that gave midnight a run for its money, naturally long, dark lashes that brought out her warm, yet ice cold beautiful blue eyes. She was dresses in dark blue jean shorts, a pastel purple T-shirt, hiking shoes. Though, they were abandoned in the grass.
     She spun in circles, giggling to herself as she spread her arms wide, a wide grin on her little pink lips. She never thought she would enjoy spinning so much, the little dizzy spell that sent her stumbling. She laughs as she falls flat onto her bottom, no doubt getting green grass stains on her rear end, though that didn't matter.
     In comparison to other children, she was different. She never enjoyed wearing dresses or skirts like the other girls. She wore shorts and a tee, with sneakers. She didn't like makeup, unlike the other girls. She loathed heels, she'd nearly break an ankle on platforms, let alone six inch heels. Imagine what she would do in those torturous shoes. She liked to get her hands dirty, she was the sporty type.
     Not a complete tomboy, she did put forth a little smudge of effort into her hair. She liked the little things, she was never one for diamond rings, she liked the ones you got in those little coin machines at the nearest Walmart. And she ate, a lot. Like, ungodly amounts, but she made up for it with a fast metabolism, constant exercising.
     Though this morning, one moment the sun was blasting her with constant warmth, and then she felt cold, a shape blocked the sun. She turns around, hand hovering over her eyes, squinting up at it. There was a wild wind all of the sudden, her eyes traveling to the flowers that were harshly torn from their roots, flown all over as a large, metallic object landed on the ground near her.
     She gazes at it in wonder, an irreplaceable gleam in her eye as she studied its structure, memorizing its weak points. Armed soldiers exited the structure, coming toward her. She backs away, thought they still advance. They reach for her. "No!" She yelps, dodging several attempts to get ahold of her, turning and beginning to sprint in the opposite direction.
     She glances behind her at the forest edge, her eyes widening as she hears a loud gunshot, then unimaginable pain, the shoes long forgotten.

     "NO!" I yell loudly, sitting straight up in my bed. I breathe heavily, rapidly feeling my body, for holes. When I found none, I place a hand over my rapid heart, feeling it hammer against my rib cage. I felt the sweat on my brow, through my shirt, on the bed sheets. Another dream. That's three this week.

     I would tell myself to see a doctor, but I am the doctor, and I have no idea how to cure bad dreams. I think they're memories, though I don't know what to believe at this point, the dreams were all random, all different. It frustrated me to not even know who I really was, who my parents are. Did I have any siblings? I'll never know, and it's killing me.

     I hated having unanswered questions, hated my curiosity, though I couldn't help it. It seemed to be engineered in my DNA, I just had to know how everything worked, how the pieces of a puzzle fit together, what did they make? Of I move this one, what'll happen? How about this one? If I combine them, what will they make, what would they create? I had to know.

     After my heartbeat had calmed down a bit, I had gotten up while I thought, started changing. I had already replaced my pajama top with a black tank top, had just finished buttoning my jean shorts up when the door is thrown open. I yelp, jumping backward out of sheer surprise, tripping over my not put on quite yet shoes, falling onto my rear.

     I grunt as I make impact, glaring up at the perpetrator as I pull my hair into a messy bun on top of my head, hauling myself to my feet. Thomas? I furrow my eyebrows, giving him a pointed look as I cross my arms, waiting for both an apology, and an explanation. His eyes swept the room, before falling onto me, catching my look. "I heard a yell." He simply replies, and I roll my eyes. Yeah, I'm fine by the way. Thanks for asking you shank.

     Now I've got a splinter in my hand. I place my hands on my hips. That was the worst explanation in the history of explanations. "And?" He takes another glance around the room before his eyes meet my own. "Are you alright?" Now he asks. Really?

     "I'm fine, Thomas. Bad dream is all." I answer, bending to grab my shoes, sitting on the edge of the bed while I slip them on, occasionally glancing up at him, to see him watching me. "Are you?" I notice the sweat on his brow, clammy hands, pale face. He let a sheepish grin fall onto his lips. "Thought you were hurt." A small grin makes its way onto my lips. "Oh please, Tommy. Even if I was, I'd treat myself."

     He cocked a head to the left slightly at me. "I wouldn't let you." He says after a moment, a small snort leaving my throat. "Like hell you would, doctors make the worst patients, you know. Take it from a doctor." A sheepish grin found itself on my lips as I look at him, standing up. "I appreciate your concern and all, but duty calls." I pause as I nearly pass him, and glance up at him before doing something I may regret later.

     I kiss his cheek, and as he turned his head to look at me, well down at me, I plant one on his lips as well. "Bye for now, Tommy." I whisper, grinning to myself as I notice a twinge of pink on his cheeks. He's adorable.

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