» Two

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The past 24 hours had been very frustrating. My phone was filled with missed calls that were all from Wilmer. I refused to talk to him right now, he made it seem like it was my fault for not knowing he was a teacher, then he was so cold towards me telling me not to do anything at his work. He knew that I was going to college, I'm honestly surprised that he didn't ask which one.

I walked into class, my head held high as for today I wasn't late. Knowing Wilmer, he would probably try and find an excuse again to keep me after class. Making me late for algebra...again. Making my way up the large steps to find a seat, I felt a soft tap against my shoulder. Praying it wasn't Wilmer, I turned to see a boy, well, a man who was tall, had dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes that were looking right at me.

"Hey" He smiled to me,

"Hey" I answered, slightly confused as to why he was talking to me.

He chuckled awkwardly, did I have something on my face or something? "Um, I was wondering if you could move so I could get to my seat"

"Of course!" I stammered, rushing to move out of the mans way,

He turned around once he was half way down the aisle, "I was also wondering if you'd be interested in going out with me some time?"

I was taken by surprised as the guy who I had only just met asked me on a date. I could see Wilmer examining us, and what my answer would be from the front of the classroom. I might play with him a bit. "Sure" I smiled, seeing Wilmer frown as I looked at him. He looked pissed.

"I'm Jeremy"

"Demi" I replied,

"Nice to meet you Demi, talk more after class"

Wilmer cleared his throat loudly, "Dev-... Lovato" He corrected himself, "You are holding up the class take a seat so I can get started." I jerked my head to wilmer, who had an angered look on his face. It was obvious that he wasn't mad at the fact that I was holding up the class, but at the fact I was ignoring him for almost a week and now was going on a date with another guy. Why does Wilmer care so much anyway? It's his rule about no emotions after all.

I took my seat right behind Jeremy. I couldn't help but cringe slightly at how oily his hair was.
As Wilmer started the class lecture, I leant down onto my desk and shut my eyes. Wilmer's voice, going into my dream land. As I began to doze off I suddenly heard Wilmer call on me.

I jerked my head up, "Sorry, what?"

"I said what was Winston's intentions to do once he got to his job?"

I bit my lip in thought, "I don't know, ask him or George Orwell" I said smartly before putting my head back down.

"Don't be smart with me, that isn't the right answer and you know it!" Wilmer snapped, shrugging my shoulders, Jeremy interrupted our moment of banter.

"His intentions were to steal a piece of paper that had the current event on it, and write it in his journal" The blonde spoke up,

Wilmer looked at the man, rolling his eyes as he turned towards the projector, "Correct"

Wilmer grabbed my arm as I was the last one to walk out, I shrugged him away as he was about to ask me something, "No emotions, right?" I questioned,

He swallowed nervously, sighing, "Right..." He trailed off, I turned around to leave the room.

"What was that about?" Jeremy asked, looking at Wilmer through the small window of the closed door,

"My homework, had to hand it into him"

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