» twenty-six

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I arrived on campus and went straight to Wilmer's office. At six in the morning he was called in for an important meeting with the school board and headmaster. We both knew what it was about, but neither of us wanted to face what we knew was a big risk all along.

I was walking along the corridor as a tall man passed me, due to my determination to see Wilmer, I almost didn't notice that the man who I had been looking for was right in front of me.
A large box in his hands as he passed me, "Wil-Mr. Valderrama." I said as he turned to face me, upset on his face but as he saw it was me, it was almost as if he wasn't sure what to feel. "What happened in the meeting?" I asked, an eager but worried tone in my voice.

The older man looked around the corridor cautiously, making sure that no one of importance was lurking around. "You shouldn't be near me."

"Why?" Our conversation was cut short as an announcement sounded through the speakers.

"Pardon the interruption staff and students, will Demetria Lovato please report to the Dean's office. Demetria Lovato to the Dean's office."

My eyes widened as I looked up at Wilmer. "Figure it out when you get there." He told me, planting a kiss on my cheek quickly as the people walking past looked at us as if they had the juciest piece of gossip now.

"I think I just did." I said before we parted ways.
I hated the feeling which sat in the pit of my stomach, the feeling of not being able to get away from what was going on. Knowing that I was going to get into trouble, and that things were going to change, and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it.

I knocked on the large door of the Dean's office anxiously.
"Come in." The older man ordered from the other side of the wall. I swung open the heavy wooden doors, the man didn't look away from his computer or even hesitate as I made my way into the room. "Take a seat." I listened to him and sat in the chair across from his desk, thankfully it wasn't intimidatingly close to him.

"We cannot allow sexual or romantic relationships between teachers and students here at UCLA. I have spoken with the school board, and we have made the decision to suspend you until further notice and give you an ultimatum. You can return to classes once you end your relations with Mr. Wilmer Valderrama, if you fail to agree to this then we will have to expell you. I'm sorry, this is not the way we wanted to go about this but it is bad press for us, and we have also made a deal with Mr. Valderrama. That is all."

I sat there in disbelief, "Do I not get to tell my side of what happened?"

"There's not much that CCTV footage doesn't already tell me. If you leave quietly, I would be more than happy to put you in for a transfer to NYU as I am good friends with the headmaster there."

"I need to think about this..." I trailed off, looking at the floor as a few tears fell from my eyes. Picking my bag up from the floor, I didn't waste any time leaving the room.


Wilmer wasn't answering any of my calls, so he gave me no choice but to go to his house. I had an idea of what was happening with him and his job, but I needed to know for sure.

"What happened?" I asked, making my way into the lounge room where he was sitting, a beer in one hand and his laptop on his lap. His phone was sitting face up on the arm of the couch.

"I got fired."

"And? Did you try and fight it? Tell them that it was just once or something?" I asked as he barely looked away from his laptop.

Wilmer shook his head, "Maybe I can get another job if I just do what they say. They told me that if I just leave that they won't penalise you as harshly."

I scoffed, "They're forcing me to break up with you otherwise they will expell me!"

"What?" Wilmer said, narrowing his eyes as he looked up at me, confused almost. He shook his head, "No-"

I cut him off, "Yes, that is what happened, and you're not even prepared to fight for this. The only reason that we're in this situation is because I needed money to finish my degree, and now they're threatening my expulsion. Fucking hell. Why did I have to fall in love with you?"

"I'm sorry." Was all he said, he threw his head against the back of the couch in frustration, he didn't know what to do.

"Is there even any rules against student/teacher relationships in college, at UCLA?"

"I don't know, and I don't think that it matters. Just leave it, Demi."

"What if-"

He cut me off, "It's common sense that you don't fuck your students! There doesn't need to be a policy on it."

This was pathetic. The way that he was acting right now almost made me want to break up with him, but I couldn't do that out of rage.
Maybe I should go talk to my parents? They hate me, but my Dad is a lawyer and maybe it'll be good for them if they could sweep them under the rug, no one would find out how much of an embarrassment their daughter is.

I had nothing else to say to Wilmer, my entire body felt numb as I was left heartbroken and devistated. I didn't even have words to describe what I was feeling, and Wilmer didn't give two fucks despite the tears which were falling from my eyes.

"Okay then." I choked out before turning my back on the man.

Is Sugar and Dilmer coming to a close? Only time will tell.
Xoxo, gossip girl.
Lmao i need help i've been binging on gossip girl recently

Follow me on twitter @ greedyvxto and follow Brie @ demi_manips

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