» Sixteen

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Another Friday, another day that I hadn't heard a single word from Wilmer. I continued to leave voicemails, and the fact that it was still allowing me to meant that he was deleting them. Hopefully at least listening to them first, but ultimately deleting them.
Getting up and going to college everyday seemed to be getting harder and harder. I felt more lonely everyday too. I couldn't help but think about how much I needed Wilmer, and as much as I hated depending on a guy, he's all I had.

I put my car into park once I had pulled into a space in the student parking lot. I cringed as I caught a look at myself in the rearview mirror. I hadn't been sleeping much, I was up most nights waiting for Wilmer to call, or email, or text. And my sleep deprovation was showing. Who needs to buy a bag at Walmart when you could just use the ones under my eyes? There was only so much that foundation and concealer could cover.
Looking over at the time, I let out an anxious sigh before turning my engine off and getting out of the car. I didn't waste any time getting to my first class, Algebra, it's not as if I had anything else to do.

Heading down the busy halls of people rushing to get to their first classes, I was suddenly distracted from my negative thoughts.

"Hey Demi!" One of my old friends, Jolene, said to me chirpily. We were friends for about the first week of college last year before she found better, richer, friends. God, I use to actually associate myself with people like her because of my parents. In my family's circle, it's all about climbing the social ladder and being perfect. Even Jolene wasn't perfect though, she's just lucky her parents haven't found out like mine did. "There's a party tonight that I'm hosting, you should come."

I bit the inside of my cheek as the trio of girls examined me. "Sounds good, I could use a break." I chuckled, "Where is it?"

"Alpha Delta Gamma house, there's invite flyer things all around the halls"

"Thanks for the private invite"

Jolene smirked, "My pleasure"

Jolene and her friends followed behind me into the Algebra class, taking their seats a few rows behind me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for the party. It had been months upon months since I had been to any sort of party, and this one was sure to have alcohol involved. My heart thudded at the thought of going back to my old ways, remembering the way my parents looked at me when they found out what I was doing on my late night study dates and elite slumber parties. When they found out that none of those things happened and I was just out partying, getting drunk out of my mind and flying as high as a kite, they were less than impressed. It was a horrible fight, and basically lead to the debacle that I was in now.

The 90 minute class went past faster than expected. I was lucky to be good at math, especially Algebra because lessons flew by as if they were nothing.
It didn't take long to find the flyers that Jolene was talking about before class because she was right, the flyers were everywhere.

Jolene's Annual Mid Year Party
Doors open at 7pm, don't be late.
Alpha Delta Gamma House
Food and drinks provided, don't be a lightweight.


The red fabric clung to my body as I posed into the mirror at all angles, making sure this dress didn't show too many imperfections.
For the first time in awhile, I felt insecure. Maybe the alcohol would help with that though, and maybe it would also help get my mind off of Wilmer. I quickly cooked my Uber before I changed my mind about going to this party.

The fake grass plastered out front of the frat house already had red cups scattered all over it. A collection of people crowded at the entrance, and a lot of them walking away from the house with dulled expressions. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, but to be safe I went through the back gates.

"Demi, how'd you get in?" Jolene smiled, passing me a red cup as I entered through the back doors.

"I walked around the back. How are you going to have a massive party if you're turning people away?"

Jolene shrugged, looking over her shoulder to the front door to see her two friends stopping the large crowd from entering. "I'm turning away Freshmen, they're too problematic."

And you're not? I thought. I didn't reply, I simply walked back out the way that I came in, bracing myself for what was to come. "Over here!" I yelled to the hundereds of people. I ran back inside as the crowds of people quickly filled the house.

"What are you doing?" Jolene grabbed my arm.

I took a sip from the red cup, it didn't taste like expensive alcohol but it wasn't the cheapest either. It was okay. "Having fun!" I yelled over the loud music and chatter.

I made my way to the middle of the cluster of unknown faces dancing to the music as I drank my beverage. A few minutes later I saw a familiar face walk through the door. Jeremy. I didn't know if the drink was fucking with my brain, but I could have sworn that he was looking at me. I decided to make him jealous by dancing up against another guy. Pressing my ass against one of the guys behind me, I tried to get him to follow my lead, but instead he slowly moved himself away. I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment, but it didn't last long due to the alcohol in my system. I moved up against another guy, and thankfully he was more than happy to go along with it. We moved to the same beat as his hand rested on my hip, my hand on the back of his neck. I didn't know who this stranger was, but he was definitely a good dancer. I looked over to Jeremy to see that he was now storming towards me.

I sobered up quickly when I realised what was happening. I shrugged myself from the random mans grip before bolting out of the door before Jeremy could get too close to me.
I wasn't feeling well anyway, I was a bit tipsy I honestly just wanted to go home and rest.


I flicked on my apartment light before dumping my clutch on the stand next to my front door. Running my fingers through my black hair, I looked up only to freeze right in my tracks.

"Wilmer..." I trailed off. I had never seen the man look so...broken.

I had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't just seeing things, I mean, I didn't think that I was drunk enough to be seeing things.

Wilmer looked up at me, his eyes empty as he held a bottle of scotch in his tight grip. "How could you do it?" His voice cracked as I suddenly became aware of the tear tracks running down his face. "I love you so much, but you hurt me" He continued, his accent slurred as he shook his head.

My heart fluttered at him admitting he loved me, but it felt so wrong given the circumstances and his condition. "Let's get to bed." I smiled softly, trying to mask all of the mixed emotions that I was feeling in that moment.
Wilmer didn't oblige when I helped him up from the chair. The bottle of scotch slipped out from his grip and smashed against the floor, but in that moment I didn't care about a bit of broken glass.  Leading him to my bed, he willingly laid down and instantly brought my blankets up to his face.

"I miss you, but I hate what you did" He cried before drifting off.

Taking a deep breath, I let the few tears that I had been holding in slip from my eyes. This was so much to take in. Planting a soft kiss against his warm forehead, I cuddled up against him, his body against mine as I tried to concentrate on his steady heartbeat to calm me. He was here. Wilmer was back.

But where had he been?

6 days until my birthday I'm so exciteddddddd
Fam please like my Facebook page Tarah Beauty, or it's Facebook.com/tarahbeauty
It's for my makeup and YouTube and shit

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