Chapter Twelve: CeCe

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I sat on the couch, leaning against Nick, who was playing a video game, with my feet in Winston's lap. I read my book when Schmidt came in.

"Friday night, guys. It's on."

"What happened to you." I looked up and laughed out loud when I saw the short silk robe he was wearing.

"It's on and poppin' up in here, you feel?"

"Pants. Now." I told him.

"You didn't used to be like this Schmidt."


"You've gotten so much worse."

"It's on and poppin'." I stood up, pushing him towards his bedroom.

"Like your pants." He ran his fingers over my hand before heading back to his room. We hadn't talked about the kiss since it happened. However...the tension between us was obvious...if not to anyone but us. I walked into my own room, putting my book down and coming back, only to see Schmidt, still wearing a Kimono and no pants, and now Winston was standing in his boxers, with tissues stuffed in his shirt and up his nose. I whistled. "Guys. Do you see how ridiculous you both look? You're adults! Winston, put on your pants. Schmidt, go change,  please for the sake of all who live here."

Winston pulled his pants back on and Schmidt stalked off to his room once again. I flopped down next to Nick.

"You know you've become the mother of the apartment, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'd figured that out, thanks." The door opened and in came Jess...and CeCe. "And the night keeps improving."

"I'm gonna use the ladies. Where's  the tequila?" CeCe asked.

" 'Sup Cecilia." Schmidt said coolly. I scoffed, causing him to look at me. I rolled my eyes, walking to my room and shutting the door.


I walked out to get a drink twenty minutes later to see Schmidt, Winston and CeCe dancing to 'Sexy and I know it'. I opened the fridge, glaring at the milk jug. He could at least try to act like he wasn't oogling over her.

"This is the opposite of being alone. This is the opposite of what I wanted this weekend." Nick told them.

"That makes two of us." I muttered.

"Wow, how did this happen?" Jess asked, bedding in her arms. Schmidt started dancing with her. "Ok, I'm not a part of this, Schmidt. Hi, CeCe, I'm gonna  make you a bed on the couch, ok? So you're gonna have to stop dancing ok, so you can go to sleep."

"You know, CeCe, I think you should Dance if you want to." Winston said in a deep voice.

"What's with the voice?" I asked.

"What voice? I'm hangin'  out."

"You get up." She pointed at Nick, who held his hands up.

"Really? Him? But I'm doin' this?" He started wiggling his butt at her. I stalked over, slapping him on the back of the head.

"Ow!" He said, turning to face me.

"Why did you do that?"

"Why do you frickin' think?" I whispered.

"Come on, get up!" CeCe walked to Nick.

"No, I don't dance, I'm from the town in Footloose."

"He doesn't want to dance Cece."

"I don't wanna dance. I'm really good. Schmidt dances-" She ripped his shirt buttons open. "Whoa, what the..."

"Alright, you know what, I'm gonna go to bed. Good night."

"Same." I went to follow her, but Schmidt grabbed my wrist. 

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. Have fun with Cece." That idiot knows how I feel about her...and then he goes and kisses me...and flirts with her. Like, who does that?!


When I woke up the next morning, Jess was gone. I pulled the door open, walking into the kitchen. Nick sat at the bar, eating cereal, while Jess cooked eggs.

"She's great, you're gonna love her. Do you want some eggs?"

"No, I've got my own breakfast. I don't need you to..."


"I don't know. Take care of me."

"Rebecca, eggs?"

"Yes please."

"Just stop being so nice."

"Your mother's being so nice." I raised my eyebrows at her comeback.

"Slam on my mother."

"Your mother's gonna slam on your mother."

"Even her insults are too nice." I said, as she handed my a plate of eggs. "You're an angel."

"Your mother's an-"

"Stop!" Nick and I said together.


I went later to take a shower when I heard voices.

"What's goin' on guys? I was..." I poked my head out to see Winston brushing his teeth, Schmidt shirtless, and Nick standing in the doorway.

"I'm not CeCe. Get out." I got back in, listening to them leave as I washed my hair.

"'re still mad at me, I take it."

"I'm not having this conversation in the shower, Schmidt."  I replied.

"I didn't mean to upset you."

"Of course not. Nobody ever does, it just happens whenever CeCe's involved."

"So you are still mad." I turned the water off, wrapping a towel around myself and jerking the curtain open.

"No,duh! I opened up to you Schmidt. I confessed to you how everyone always chooses her, and then you go and kiss me and flirt with her right in front of me." I got out, running a brush through my hair.

"'re jealous." I raised my eyebrows in the mirror at him.

"You know what? Never mind. Forget me, forget the kiss ever happened, and go run after CeCe. I know you want to, everyone does." I pushed past him, walking into Jess and I's room and shutting the door behind me.

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