Chapter 20 - Penny

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I walk back not looking back at the Doctor, I'm not going to hurt him anymore, I throw myself onto the bed hurting every single one of my wounds. like it matters anyway. I'm a mess.

I guess I should just forgive him and not say anything and he will obviously know I forgave him.

won't he?

The Doctor's Pov


"Jack I'm going to find Penny" I say wiping my eyes but smiling at the same time

"sure, I'll find out who she is" Jack says smiling back

"Good, also keep Hope safe" I smile back

"of course" Jack says as I walk back into the TARDIS.

I starting pulling levers and the TARDIS starts making noises again but this time they're happy noises,

"Yes sexy, she's back" I smile

I land the TARDIS back where Penny and I first landed and see Penny walking over, she looks just as bruised and scared as Hope just with an extra bulletwound.

"Doctor" she says limping over

"Penny, what happened" I say faking worriedness

"I got attacked, this guy grabbed all my money and clothes" Penny says

"Come here and I'll get you fixed up" I say taking penny inside the TARDIS and flying back to Torchwood.

"where are we going?" Penny asks holding her arm

"somewhere where we can get your arm all bandaged up" I lie

"ok, why are you acting so caring, what's happening?" Penny asks just as we land

"why would something be happening" I say walking to the door and steeping out followed by Penny.

I quickly close the door as Penny steps out. "wha- Wait, you tricked me!" she screeches

"why'd you attack Hope" Jack says

"I didn't attack her, she kidnapped me" Penny says defensively

"I doubt that" I say

"really you believe her, even after she let you think she was dead" Penny says

"I believe her more than I believe you" I say "I may have been very distracted but now I think your language is just a little too new for where your from"

"what?" Penny spits

"your shopping mall talk, the way you knew about Hope being from the future, the way you say whatever and cool and also how you weren't freaked out by cars and future stuff" I say convincing myself and everyone else

"oh" she says knowing there's no escaping, she starts to sway as she stands "I think you might want to stitch me up now"

"Jack" I say nodding towards Penny.

Jack grabs her and she faints instantly into his arms. "I think it's only a flesh wound but we need to get it stitched up" Jack says grabbing the phone

"who are you calling" I ask

"My crew" Jack laughs

I decide to dash up and check on Hope, I peek through the doorway and she's fast asleep, she looks so peaceful and happy.

"You right there?" she asks her eyes still closed

"um, yeah just yeah" I say awkwardly, she opens her eyes and sits up.

"I want to have a shower but that is going to hurt like hell" she sighs grumpily

"here we need to get like some disinfectant on your scars" I smile before remembering that Penny's down there amd I do not want more fights.

"what?" she spits looking at my discomfort

"in a few moments" I smile calmingly

"what's down there?" she says standing up

"ok, I'm not gong to tell you but you can't go down there yet, maybe you should get changed and then come down" I say buying time

"ok whatever" she says shooing me out of the room

That was close, I dash down the stairs again and I can see some people working on Penny's arm,

"Doctor, I can not find out who Penny is, she does not exist" Jack says from behind a computer

"that can't be right?" I say looking at he screen

"well Hope doesn't exist" Jack laughs

"What?" I yell

"oh, well she sort of robbed a bank and a bedding store so I had to delete her off the system" Jack shrugs like its not a big idea

"Hope wouldn't do that would she?" I say suprised

"well she did" Jack says realising how shocked I am.

Third Person


"there, Jack we're heading off for lunch, are you sure you don't want to come?" Tosh smiles as the whole Torchwood team grabs there stuff

"I'm sure, we've got a lot of work to do here" Jack smiles waving to the crew as they leave.

Meanwhile up stairs Hope has finished changing and is sitting on the bed. Hope decided to go half black, half pattern. She chucked on a black short long sleeved shirt and a short flower skirt, she kept her leather jacket over the top and picked out her flowery hightop converses.

Hope contemplates whether to get up or to stay in her room. This makes her start to wonder what is down stairs that she's not allowed to see.

The Doctors first mistake was getting her so intrigued.

Hope creeps silently and stealthy down the stairs she peers around a corner and sees the Doctor and Jack, nothing else.

The Doctor and Jack sit discussing what they are going to do with Penny, until they hear a moan which Hope surprisingly hears too.

"quick, she's waking up" The Doctor says rushing over just out of view from Hope. Hope starts to panic who could that be why is she here and why aren't I allowed to see her? Were the only thoughts running through Hopes head.

"uh, I thought maybe it was all a dream" Penny spits causing Hope to wonder why the voice sounds so familiar

"yeah we'll it's not, so start explaining" The Doctor says in a forceful voice Hope had never heard before.

"ok, just will you let me go?" Penny says innocently

"maybe" Jack says reading the Doctors mind

"ok then well where to start, If you want to kill Hope then stab her through the heart it's the only way to kill the pitiful person she is" Penny says knowing Hope is listening,

Suddenly a white light flashes around Penny and she disappears.

"where'd she go?" The Doctor says angrily.

Hope shocked by what she has heard runs back up the stairs quietly so no one can hear her.

Hope's Pov


I guess it is true, I can trust no one and no one can trust me. I finally know who's trying to kill me, it hasn't been somebody following me or tracking me down it's been the two people right in front of me.

The Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness.


OoOo she thinks they are going to kill her OoOo

oh and pic on the side of me dont know why but its sort of like what i said Hope would wear first chapter

Hope In A Box (Doctor Who Fan Fiction) ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now