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Amber's POV

There was only one place I knew I could go to. The only place I felt safe, the only place where I had a friend. Harry's. I pulled up at the side of the road. I pulled out my phone and rang Harry. Ring Ring Ring Ring..... 'Hello?' His familiar accent called out to me.

'Harry. Can I please please please please pleeeeeeasee stay with you.'

'Yeah, yeah. Wait, why?'


'Okay, alright C'mon.' He interuppted me.

'I'll be there in like ten minutes. Thankyou so much.' I hung up and started the car again. Sighing a sigh of releif I drove to Harrys place.

Charlie's POV

I chucked the bottle to the floor and watched it smash, just like my heart. I got up and stomped to the bedroom. I flung myself onto the bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Ambers number. 'Im sorry but this user is busy please try again later.' That stupid robotic female voice drove me insane!    That means she's on the phone to someone. Who woukd she be on the phone with. Harry? No. No, Harry is the only person she would call. And....and. She would probably stay with him. SHIT!

 Very sorry for the language. Okay I decided to stop there because I need your help. I thought I shuld use Harry Styles because I'm a directioner, but. Should he be famous? I have a plan for either way. But I think it would be funner if he is, but I thought I should ask you guys, because then you would like it more. So please comment because I really need to know for the next chapter! Thankyouuuuuuuu. ILY SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! (Not as much as 1d) (haha lol nooo) xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

British Kid.~A Charlie Rowe fanficWhere stories live. Discover now